§ 226-41. Imposition of fees for collection and disposal service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    That the board of county commissioners shall prescribe and collect reasonable rates, fees or other charges prescribed from time to time whenever necessary. The rates, fees, or other charges prescribed shall be such as will produce revenues, together with any other pledged funds, at least sufficient:


    To provide for all expenses of operation, and maintenance and renewal of such waste collection and disposal system, including reserves therefor,


    To pay when due all bonds and interest thereon for the payment of which such revenues are, or shall have been, pledged or encumbered, including reserves therefor, and


    To provide for any other funds which may be required under the resolution or resolutions authorizing the issuance of such bonds pursuant to this act [article].


    Any refunding bonds issued pursuant to this act [article] shall be deemed to have been issued for the same purpose or purposes for which the bonds refunded thereby were originally issued. The provisions of this section shall apply to all bonds issued pursuant to this act [article] for the payment of which the revenues of said waste collection and disposal system are pledged, and this act [article] shall be construed to require the revenues from such waste collection and disposal system, together with other special funds pledged therefor, to be sufficient to make such waste collection and disposal system fully self-liquidating.

(Laws of Fla. ch. 65-2357, § 11)