§ 1305. Conflict of county ordinances with municipal ordinances.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise provided by this charter, any county ordinance in conflict with a municipal ordinance shall not be effective within the municipality to the extent of such conflict, regardless of whether such municipal ordinance was adopted or enacted before or after the county ordinance. In the event a county ordinance and a municipal ordinance shall cover the same subject matter without conflict, then both the municipal ordinance and the county ordinance shall be effective, each being deemed supplemental to the other.

(Ch. 70-966, Laws of Florida (Sp. Acts), Art. XIII, § 1305; Res. No. 86-136, Amend. No. 3, 9-18-86; Res. No. 96-121, Amend. No. 1, 6-20-96)