§ 1005. Unclassified and classified service.  

Latest version.
  • The merit system shall provide for the employment of qualified personnel and shall include all necessary provisions to insure protection to both employees and employer. Said system shall have two (2) basic divisions, those being:


    The unclassified service shall comprise the following offices and positions:


    Elected officials and persons appointed to fill vacancies in elected offices.


    The county manager.


    Aides to the county manager, in the operation of his immediate office.


    The director of administrative departments appointed by the county manager.


    One aide, appointed by the director, for each of the administrative departments.


    Members of advisory boards, commissions and committees appointed by the council or county manager.


    Persons employed in casual employment for brief periods, but not in excess of ninety (90) days because of temporary increase in volume of work or emergency conditions. The authority to extend a temporary period of employment shall be approved by the personnel board in increments of ninety (90) days.


    Persons under contract to conduct special studies or perform special surveys or services.


    Attorneys, physicians and dentists.


    And such other managerial positions as shall be determined by the personnel board.


    The classified service shall comprise all positions not specifically included by this section.


    The determination of the personnel board shall be final as to whether offices and positions are under classified service.

(Ch. 70-966, Laws of Florida (Sp. Acts), Art. X, § 1005; Res. No. 76-89, Amend. No. 4, 9-16-76)