§ 601.1. Functions and duties of departments receiving powers of former constitutional officers.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    Department of finance: The department of finance shall be responsible for the administration of all financial affairs of the charter government and such other duties provided by this charter.


    The office of tax collector is hereby abolished and all functions and duties of that office now prescribed by the Constitution and the laws of Florida are hereby transferred to the department of finance.


    All fiscal functions and duties now prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Florida for the office of the clerk of the circuit court which relate to the clerk's duties as ex officio to the board of county commissioners and auditor and custodian of all county funds are hereby transferred to the department of finance.


    Department of public safety: The department of public safety shall be responsible for the control, operation and administration of the duties of law enforcement and such other duties provided by this charter. All functions and duties now prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Florida for the office of sheriff are hereby transferred to the department of public safety, and the constitutional office shall thereupon be terminated, further providing that all functions relating to corrections and rehabilitation, the county prison farm, the Volusia County jail and all other similar facilities shall be transferred to the department of corrections.


    Department of property appraisal: The department of property appraisal shall be responsible for carrying out all functions, duties and requirements prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Florida for the office of property appraiser (tax assessor) and all such functions and duties are hereby transferred to this department and the constitutional office shall thereupon be terminated. In addition, the department of property appraisal shall perform a continuing review of the assessment and exemption of all real and personal property within the county sufficient to permit the annual presentation of a tax equalization study and report for the board of tax adjustment (board of equalization). Further, the department of property appraisal shall perform such other functions as may be prescribed by this charter or the council.


    Department of elections: The department of elections shall be responsible for carrying out all functions, duties and requirements prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Florida for the office of supervisor of elections and all such functions and duties are hereby transferred to this department and the constitutional office shall thereupon be terminated.


    Department of central services: The department of central services shall be responsible for control and operation of personnel, motor pool, clerical and records, purchasing, data processing and building maintenance divisions and such other duties as provided by this charter or the council. All functions and duties now prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Florida for the office of the clerk of the circuit court which related to the duties as ex-officio clerk to the board of county commissioners and keeper of the official minutes to the board of county commissioners, are hereby transferred to the department of central services. All functions and services of the department of central services shall be provided to all departments and operations of the charter government, and all departments and operations of the charter government shall be required to utilize the services provided by the department of central services unless exceptions are specifically approved in each case by the county manager.


    Department of corrections: There shall be a department of corrections which shall be responsible for the exercise of administrative supervision and control and have all functions, duties and responsibilities over matters relating to corrections and rehabilitation, the county prison farm, and the Volusia County jail. The department of corrections also shall be responsible for and shall exercise administrative supervision and control over all facilities, programs and services consistent with the laws of the State of Florida; and that the various department divisions shall be provided by county ordinance.

(Ch. 70-966, Laws of Florida (Sp. Acts), Art. VI, § 601.1; Res. No. 76-89, Amend. Nos. 3, 8, 9-16-76; Res. No. 96-121, Amend. No. 1, 6-20-96)