§ 307.1. The county chair.  

Latest version.
  • The office of the county chair shall have all jurisdiction and powers which are now and which hereafter may be granted to it by the Constitution and laws of Florida provided that such powers shall be exercised in a manner consistent with this charter. The county chair, in addition to the powers and duties provided by this charter, shall have the specific powers and duties to:


    Serve as the official and ceremonial representative of the government.


    Issue proclamations on behalf of the government, which shall be reported to the county council upon issuance.


    Preside as chair of and in all other respects participate in the meetings of the county council and have an equal vote on all questions coming before it.


    Execute ordinances, resolutions and other authorized documents of the government.


    Serve ex-officio as the county government's representative, and appoint others to serve in the county chair's stead, on other bodies external to county government.


    Serve as the county council representative, and appoint county council members to serve in the county chair's stead, on other bodies internal to county government.

    The county council shall elect at its first meeting in January a council member to serve at its pleasure for a one-year term as vice chair of the county council to preside in the temporary absence, disqualification or disability of the county chair at county council meetings and perform other duties assigned by the county chair.

(Res. No. 2002-149, § 1, 9-5-02)