§ 307. Powers.  

Latest version.
  • The council shall have all jurisdiction and powers which are now and which hereafter may be granted to it by the Constitution and laws of Florida provided that such powers shall be exercised in a manner consistent with this charter. The council, in addition to the powers and duties provided in this charter, shall have the specific powers and duties to:


    Appoint by a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of the full council and remove by a majority vote of the full council, the county manager.


    Adopt such ordinances as may be necessary to carry out both county and municipal powers and purposes.


    Review the budgetary requests including salaries and make the final budgetary determinations and appropriations for all county governmental operations including, but not limited to county management, all administrative departments of the government, the judicial system, adjustment boards and special authorities and tax districts which request a portion of the millage levied for county purposes under the Constitution of Florida or such other millage as may be levied by the county for municipal service districts excepting the school system.


    Adopt, amend and repeal an administrative code by a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of the full council.


    In addition to the state audit provided by law, shall cause an annual independent post-audit by a certified public accountant of any and all government operations of the charter government.


    Adopt and amend a merit system which shall include a salary schedule for all personnel in accordance with the provisions of this charter.


    Adopt by a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of the full council such rules of parliamentary procedures as shall be necessary for the orderly transaction of the business of the council.


    The council shall designate which officers and employees shall be bonded and shall fix the amount and approve the form of the bond.


    Appoint by a two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of the full council and remove by a majority vote of the full council, the county attorney.

(Ch. 70-966, Laws of Florida (Sp. Acts), Art. III, § 307; Res. No. 76-89, Amend. No. 6, 9-16-76; Res. No. 96-121, Amend. No. 4, 6-20-96)