§ 202.3. Volusia Growth Management Commission.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby created the Volusia Growth Management Commission (hereafter commission). The commission shall have the power and the duty to determine the consistency of the municipalities' and the county's comprehensive plans and any amendments thereto with each other. The commission may perform such other directly related duties as the commission from time to time deems necessary.

    The determination by the commission shall be binding on the submitting government. No plan, element of a plan, or amendment of a plan adopted after the date this article becomes law shall be valid or effective unless and until such plan, element of a plan, or amendment has been reviewed by the commission and has been certified as consistent. The review of any such determination of the commission shall be by certiorari.

    The commission shall be composed of voting and nonvoting members. There shall be one voting member from each municipality within the county and five voting members from the unincorporated area of the county. The appointment of each voting representative shall be made by the governing body of each respective jurisdiction. The Volusia County School Board, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and the Volusia County Business Development Corporation shall each designate one nonvoting member to serve on the commission. The term of office of the commission members shall be fixed by the rules of procedures of the commission but shall not exceed four years.

    Each voting member shall have a weighted vote. Each municipality represented shall have a vote equal to the percentage of its population with the overall county population. The unincorporated area representatives' combined vote shall not exceed the percentage of the unincorporated area's population with the overall county's population, and the individual vote of each unincorporated area representative shall be equal to the other. The determination of the weight of each vote shall be determined annually.

    Rules of procedure for the commission's consistency review and for the manner in which this section is to be enforced and implemented, and amendments thereto, shall be proposed by the commission and shall not become effective until adopted by ordinance approved by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the council.

    The commission, by a two-thirds vote, shall adopt an annual budget which may provide for independent staff and which shall be funded by the county. The budget may be amended upon two-thirds vote of the full council.

(Res. No. 86-136, Amend. No. 2, 9-18-86; Res. No. 96-121, Amend. No. 1, 6-20-96)