§ 90-78. Comprehensive plan amendments.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    After September 30, 2007, all local governments who desire to adopt a comprehensive plan amendment shall, in accordance with this article, include a finding of school adequacy provided by the applicant prior to transmittal of said amendment to the VGMC and the department.


    No comprehensive plan amendment may be adopted which proposes a residential density which is different than that allowed by a finding of school adequacy. If a local government desires to adopt a comprehensive plan amendment allowing for residential density different from a plan amendment previously transmitted to the VGMC and department and which is subject to a finding of school adequacy, the applicant must provide the local government with a new finding of school adequacy and the local government must transmit said new certificate to the VGMC and department prior to adopting said amendment.


    The local government shall provide a copy of the comprehensive plan amendment subject to a finding of school adequacy to the school board within five days of its transmittal to the department and VGMC within five days of its adoption by the local governing body.

(Ord. No. 2007-37, § I, 5-24-07)