§ 74-32. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The definitions set forth in the most current version of Chapter 40C-3, 64E-8, 62-531, and 62-532, Florida Administrative Code are adopted by reference and incorporated herein and shall apply to the provisions of this article. For the purpose of this article, the following words or phrases shall mean:

    Agricultural use means the use of water for the commercial production of crops including ornamentals or the growing of farm products, including, but not limited to, vegetables, citrus, and other fruits, pasture, sod or animals.

    Backflow device means a safety device used to prevent the backflow of water or a mixture of water and chemicals into the water supply.

    Board means Volusia County Building Trades Board.

    Certified contractor means a person who holds a currently valid certificate of competency for pump and irrigation installations from the department.

    Closed loop system means a series of pipes not open to any aquifer installed vertically in a borehole for the purpose of transmitting thermal energy.

    Council means the County Council of the County of Volusia, Florida.

    County means County of Volusia, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.

    Department means the Volusia County Health Department, its agents or employees.

    District means the St. Johns River Water Management District.

    Domestic use means any use of water for individual personal needs or for household purposes such as drinking, bathing, heating, cooking or sanitation.

    Drawdown means the lowering of the water level in a well and the water table or piezometric surface in or adjacent to the well, which results from the discharge of water from the well by pumping.

    Established ground surface means the permanent elevation of the ground surface at the site of a well.

    Gang well means a system where two or more water wells are coupled together with a common header or manifold.

    Irrigation system means a device or combination of devices having a hose, pipe, or other conduit which connects directly to any source of ground or surface water, through which device or combination of devices, water, or a mixture of water and chemicals, is drawn and applied for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes.

    Irrigation system completion means the termination of all irrigation installation activities. Continuous absence of the irrigation installer from the installation site for five or more days indicates that the system is deemed completed by the installer, unless proper notification, such as a telephone call, is made to the department.

    Person means any natural person, individual, owner, operator, firm, association, organization, partnership, joint venture, business, trust, public or private corporation, company, political subdivision, public officer, or any other entity whatsoever, or combination thereof, of whatever kind.

    Potable water means water suitable for human consumption and approved by the Volusia County Health Department (Florida Department of Health).

    Pump(s) means water well pump.

    Pumps and pumping equipment means any equipment or materials utilized or intended for use in withdrawing or obtaining groundwater from wells for any use, including, but not limited to, pumps, seals, tanks, fittings and controls.

    Repair means any action which involves the physical alteration or replacement of any part of a well below the established ground surface, including the physical alteration and replacement of any portion of an irrigation system. Routine maintenance of sprinkler heads, fittings, or line breaks do not require permitting.

    Well(s) means water well.

(Ord. No. 2002-23, § I, 12-12-02)