§ 72-1369. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • Landscape buffers and landscaping of off-street parking areas shall be developed in accordance with section 72-284, and the following additional regulations:


    Landscape requirements adjacent to roadways. Where a proposed development abuts a road, the following landscape buffers shall apply:


    Buffer width.


    Buffers adjacent to thoroughfare roads shall be a minimum of 40 feet in width.


    Buffers adjacent to local roads shall be a minimum of 15 feet in width.


    Group A canopy trees.


    Thoroughfare roads. Four trees per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof. The size at planting shall be four inches caliper and eight feet in height. Trees shall be limited to live oaks or laurel oaks and shall be planted in a staggered manner, 25 feet on center between ten and 20 feet back from the right of way line. Where possible, the staggered planting design shall be continued on abutting properties to provide a continuous landscape pattern.


    Local roads. Four trees per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof. The size at planting shall be two inches caliper and six feet in height. Trees shall be planted 25 foot on center, and may be planted in a staggered manner, ten feet back from the right-of-way line. Where possible, the planting design shall be continued on abutting properties to provide a continuous landscape pattern. Palms shall constitute no more than 25 percent of the required trees and shall have a minimum of six feet of clear trunk at planting.


    Group B understory trees.


    Thoroughfare roads. Six trees per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof. The size at planting shall be 2½ inches caliper and six feet in height. Trees shall be planted a minimum of ten feet back from the right-of-way and may be clustered at access points and intersections, subject to clear line of site for vehicles at said intersections. Palms shall constitute no more than 25 percent of the required trees and shall have a minimum of six feet of clear trunk at planting.


    Local roads. Four trees per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof. The size at planting shall be 1½ inches caliper and six feet in height. Trees shall be planted a minimum of ten feet back from the right-of-way and may be clustered at access points and intersections, subject to clear line of site for vehicles at said intersections. Palms shall constitute no more than 25 percent of the required trees and shall have a minimum of six feet of clear trunk at planting.


    Group C or D (shrubs). Shrub plants may be planted in a continuous hedge or clustered in groupings. Continuous hedge plants shall be installed three feet on center and as follows:


    Thoroughfare roads. Thirty-three plants per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof, and the size at planting shall be two feet in height.


    Local roads. Twenty-seven plants per 100 linear feet or fraction thereof, and the size at planting shall be two feet in height.


    Ground cover. Landscape buffers shall be planted with grass or vegetative ground cover. Mulch may be used in planting beds and tree rings.


    Parking areas. Where parking abuts the landscape buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three feet will be attained within one year of planting to screen the parking area as viewed from the right-of-way.


    Landscape requirements. Landscape materials shall meet the standards set forth in section 72-284.


    Single family and two-family uses. Shall provide a ten foot wide landscape buffer consisting of six Group B understory trees and 18 Group C or D shrubs per 100 linear feet. A visual screen is optional.


    Multifamily and townhome uses. Shall provide a 15 foot wide landscape buffer consisting of four Group A canopy trees, four Group B understory trees, and 27 Group C or D shrubs per 100 linear feet. A six foot high continuous visual screen shall also be provided. The screen may be a landscape hedge from Group C or D shrubs; or a brick, split-faced block or stucco-finished masonry wall.


    Commercial uses. Shall provide a 30 foot wide landscape buffer consisting of four Group A canopy trees, four Group B understory trees, and 27 Group C or D shrubs per 100 linear feet. A six foot high continuous visual screen shall also be provided. The screen may be a landscape hedge from Group C or D shrubs; or a brick, split-faced block or stucco-finished masonry wall.


    Industrial uses. Shall provide a 30 foot wide landscape buffer consisting of four Group A canopy trees, four Group B understory trees, and 27 Group C or D shrubs per 100 linear feet. A six foot high continuous visual screen shall also be provided. The screen may be a landscape hedge from Group C or D shrubs; or a brick, split-faced block or stucco-finished masonry wall.

(Ord. No. 2018-04, § IX, 4-17-18)