§ 72-1365. Architectural standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Non-residential and multifamily buildings shall comply with nonresidential development design standards in section 72-303, except as otherwise required by this section.


    Multifamily and non-residential developments shall ensure that all amenities, accessory structures and signage are consistent with the overall architectural theme of the development project, including, but not limited to, site furnishings, lighting, parking lights, benches, trash receptacles, newspaper racks, and/or shopping cart corrals.


    Solar panels are allowed and encouraged on all buildings, in adherence to these design guidelines that may adopt to changing technologies.


    Building design, construction, and operation should incorporate "green" building practices to promote energy conservation.


    A common architectural theme shall be established for development projects by harmoniously coordinating the general appearance of all buildings and accessory structures within a development project. For purposes herein, general appearance includes, but is not limited to, exterior wall finishes, construction materials, roof styles, slopes, architectural details and ornamentation. All structures within a project shall complement one another and shall convey a sense of quality and permanence.


    Fleet parking areas accommodating five vehicles or more shall be located to the rear of the associated building and screened from view by a vinyl fence, brick, stucco or split face block wall six feet in height.

(Ord. No. 2018-04, § IX, 4-17-18)