§ 72-1309. Landscaped buffer area.  

Latest version.
  • Landscape requirements shall be subject to section 72-284, and the following additional regulations:


    Buffer widths. Buffer widths shall comply with the following table:

    Table 3: Landscape Buffer Width (indicated in linear feet)

    Development Zoning
    Adjacent Zoning Classifications and Roadways
    Doyle Rd.
    Lemon Bluff Rd.
    Maytown Rd.
    All Other
    OCV 10 10 10 15 25 NA NA 25 15
    OMV 10 10 NA 10 25 NA NA 25 15
    OTC 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25 15
    OUR 15 10 NA 10 15 NA NA 25 15
    OTR 25 25 NA 15 15 15 25 25 15
    ORE NA NA NA NA 15 15 25 25 15
    OCR NA 25 NA NA 15 15 25 25 15



    Minimum landscape material. The minimum amount of required landscape material shall be allocated based on buffer width and shall be calculated per each 100 linear feet, or fraction thereof.


    Ten-foot buffer width: 6 group B, 18 group C or D.


    15-foot buffer width: 4 group A, 4 group B, 27 group C or D.


    25-foot buffer width: 6 group A, 6 group B, 27 group C or D.


    One hundred percent of all required plant material shall be considered drought tolerant, Florida-friendly species. Fifty percent shall be considered Florida native species.


    Perimeter landscape buffers may be eliminated or reduced in order to facilitate shared parking, shared access, frontage and/or rearage roads, and to enable a continuous, unified building facades. This buffer elimination shall only be applicable to properties located in the OCV, OMV and OTC districts, and may be approved by the zoning enforcement official.


    Pedestrian walkways. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided along all public street frontages adjoining the property. Pedestrian ways, linkages and paths shall be provided from the building entry to surrounding streets, external sidewalks and outparcels. Pedestrian ways shall be designed to provide access between parking areas and the building entrances in a coordinated and safe manner. Pedestrian ways may be incorporated within a required landscape buffer. Shared pedestrian walkways are encouraged between adjacent commercial projects and between commercial and residential uses. Walkways shall be a minimum of five feet in width, and should be constructed to compliment the overall design theme of the project.


    Hardscape. Nonresidential and multifamily developments shall be located close to the street to enhance traditional street/building relationships with a maximum 30-foot front yard setback to permit outdoor seating, plazas, courtyards or similar public assembly use. All landscape buffers may include hardscape elements such as:

    Trails, walkways and bikeways;

    Courtyards, plazas;

    Benches, outdoor seating;

    Decorative landscape planters;

    Water features and sculptured art;

    Canopies, arbors, trellises or pergolas;

    Street furniture.


    Buffers adjacent to thoroughfare roads shall be so designed as to encourage pedestrian activities. In addition to pedestrian walkways, the buffer shall contain at least two hardscape elements listed above.


    The landscape buffer requirements of this section shall not apply to standalone, single-family dwellings.

(Ord. No. 2012-06, § VI, 5-3-12)