§ 72-620. Sidewalks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Pedestrian access. Neighborhood and community commercial facilities shall have an efficient and direct pedestrian way connection to the residential areas the facilities are intended to serve. The design of local commercial facilities shall allow pedestrians direct access from adjacent neighborhood areas, with due consideration to the elimination of points of conflict between pedestrians and vehicles.




    Paved sidewalks, a minimum of five feet in width, shall be installed on one side of all local streets within a new development, except in a subdivision classified single-family or duplex where the minimum lot sizes are one acre or larger, in which case sidewalks shall not be required. Provided, however, said sidewalks shall be installed on both sides of all streets within a new development that intersect with a thoroughfare. Alternative path systems within a new development may be approved by the DRC instead of sidewalks. Specifications for materials and design of sidewalks or alternative path systems shall be approved by the CDE. Maintenance and replacement of the sidewalks or alternative path systems within a development will be the responsibility of the abutting property owner. No sidewalks shall be required for cul-de-sac streets less than 300 feet in length.


    Sidewalks along thoroughfares. Paved sidewalks a minimum of five feet in width shall be installed along the abutting side of all existing and proposed thoroughfares which abut a new development and along both sides of all thoroughfares which are required to be constructed within a new development where the property is designated as any urban category in the comprehensive plan. Provided, however, that if the development is within two miles of an existing or proposed school site, then a sidewalk will be required regardless of the designation in the comprehensive plan, except when the DRC waives the sidewalk requirement on one or both sides of the street for one or more of the following reasons:


    A single-family or duplex subdivision with a density of less than three units per acre will require a sidewalk on only one side of the thoroughfare; provided, however, that within one mile of existing or planned schools, commercial centers or community centers, sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of the thoroughfare.


    A single-family or duplex subdivision with a density one unit or less per acre shall not require a sidewalk on either side of the thoroughfare; provided, however, that within one mile of existing or planned schools, commercial centers or community centers, sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of the thoroughfare.


    Location. Sidewalks shall be located in the right-of-way or adjacent easements of said street(s) within and abutting the development, but not closer than one foot to the abutting property line. Sufficient distance from obstacles such as fire hydrants, drainage inlets, manholes, utility structures and trees shall be maintained for the safety of the sidewalk users. No sidewalk shall be located within the appropriate recovery area of the traveled way of said street. Where the sidewalk is curved, there shall be no unsafe curves or sudden elevation changes in the sidewalk which would present a hazard to the users.


    Pedestrian barriers. The DRC may require fences, hedges, berms, other landscaping, or other barriers in order to discourage pedestrians from crossing hazardous streets at unsafe points or at numerous points. When possible, developments shall be designed so as to promote pedestrian street crossings only at traffic-control signals, crosswalks or intersections.

(Ord. No. 96-32, § XXVIII, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08)