§ 72-619. Commercial, industrial and multifamily residential driveways.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In order to provide the maximum safety with the least interference to the traffic flow on public streets, and to provide ease and convenience and ingress and egress to private property, the number and location of the types of driveways regulated pursuant to this section shall be designed relative to the intensity of use or size of the property served and the nature of the adjacent roadway. Such existing driveway approaches shall not be relocated, altered or reconstructed without prior approval. When the use of any driveway approach is changed by the owner/developer, making any portion or all of the driveway approach unnecessary, the developer of the property shall obtain a permit to abandon the driveway approach and shall, at his/her expense, replace all necessary curbs, gutters and sidewalks.


    Access shall be provided as follows:


    There shall be the minimum number of access points to adequately serve the development.


    In order to provide ease and convenience in ingress and egress to private property and the maximum safety with the least interference to the traffic flow on thoroughfares, the number and location of driveways shall be regulated by the dedication of access rights to the county, and in accordance with subsection (b)(2), below and Table V of this article.


    Commercial, industrial and multifamily residential driveway design on a nonthoroughfare street. The following requirements apply to driveways connecting development to a nonthoroughfare street:




    The driveway entrance shall be sufficient to allow access to the parking area without interference among vehicles entering and/or leaving and vehicles circulating in the parking lot.


    No driveway shall be constructed in the radius return of an intersection or within 50 feet of the tangent point of the radius return for an unsignalized intersection.


    If the closest intersection is or is likely to be signalized, then traffic movements to and from any driveway within 250 feet of an intersection with a collector or an arterial shall be limited to right turns only.


    The driveway design shall be in accordance with subsection (e)(2) of this section.


    Typical rural two-way commercial and multifamily driveway within minimum three-foot deep ditch:


    SCALE: 1″ = 20′



    Refer to FDOT Standard Index #273 for mitered end section and sod detail also Index #515 (turnouts) for overall detail.


    Sod all disturbed right-of-way.



    Number and location of driveway entrances. In order to provide the maximum safety with the least interference to the traffic flow on public streets, and to provide ease and convenience in ingress and egress to private property, the number and location of driveways shall be regulated relative to the intensity of use or size of the property served and the amount of frontage which that property has on a given street, as follows:


    One driveway shall be permitted for ingress and egress purposes to a single property or development.


    Two driveways entering on a particular street from a single property or development may be permitted if all other requirements of this section are met and if the minimum distance between the two driveways equals or exceeds 100 feet.


    Three driveways entering on a particular street from a single property or development may be permitted if all other requirements of this section are met and if the minimum distance between adjacent driveways equals or exceeds 150 feet.


    Not more than three driveways will be permitted from a single property or development. However, in the case of extensive property development (property exceeding ten acres in total land area) and/or containing more than 1,000 parking stalls, additional driveways may be permitted provided all other requirements of this section are met and the minimum distance between adjacent driveways equals or exceeds 300 feet.


    Sight distance.


    Cross-visibility requirements at the intersection of driveways and public right-of-way. If a driveway intersects a public right-of-way, there shall be no sight obstruction within a triangular area of property on both sides of a driveway formed by the intersection of each side of the driveway and the public right-of-way line with two sides of each triangle being ten feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two other sides.


    Cross-visibility requirements at pedestrian crosswalks and other areas of pedestrian concentration. If a crosswalk intersects a vehicular access aisle, driveway or public right-of-way, there shall be no sight obstruction within a triangular area of property on both sides of a crosswalk or walkway formed by the intersection of each side of the walkway and the public right-of-way or aisle with two sides of each triangle being ten feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the two sides.


    Sight triangles.


    Within the triangular areas described above, it shall not be permissible to install, set out or maintain, or to allow the installation, setting out or maintenance of, either temporarily or permanently, any vehicular parking space, sign, wall, hedge, shrubbery, tree, earth mound, natural growth or other obstruction of any kind which obstructs cross-visibility at a level between 30 inches and ten feet above the level of the driveway. Any wall or fence within the sight triangle must be constructed in such a manner as to provide adequate cross-visibility over or through the structure between 30 inches and ten feet in height above the driving surface.


    The following will be permitted within the triangular area described above:


    Limbs of trees and foliage trimmed in such a manner that no limbs or foliage extend into the area between 30 inches and ten feet above the level of the center of the adjacent intersection. Landscaping, except required grass or ground cover, shall not be located closer than five feet from the edge of any roadway pavement, and three feet from the edge of any alley or driveway pavement.


    Fire hydrants and street signs.


    If there is no public right-of-way, the sight distance requirement shall be determined by the DRC.


    Access limitations to thoroughfares.


    There shall be no access to a thoroughfare from an existing lot with less than 300 feet of width, unless one of the following conditions is met:


    Access to the lot is not available to streets (exclusive of alleys) other than that thoroughfare; provided, however, that commercial developments shall not be given access on local residential streets.


    Access to the lot is not provided jointly with other lots of an adjoining development such that minimum driveway spacing and corner clearance requirements of subsection (e)(3) of this section are satisfied by the combination of lots served by the existing or relocated joint access driveway.


    No new single-family or duplex residential lot which is under one acre in size and has less than 300 feet of frontage shall front on a thoroughfare unless access to such lot is provided from a street other than that thoroughfare. Such lot shall have access to a local street or service drive. Service drives outside the required public right-of-way may be granted by easements.


    Vehicular access to a thoroughfare. Vehicular access to a thoroughfare shall conform to the following standards:


    General. The area within the development to which the driveway provides access shall be of sufficient size to allow all necessary functions for loading, unloading and parking maneuvers to be carried out on private property and completely off the street right-of-way.


    Type of driveway required.


    Minor driveway entrance. This driveway type shall be provided for a maximum daily trip end volume of 500 vehicles and/or a maximum average peak hour volume of 50 vehicles. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any ingress or egress minor driveway to the outer edge of any interior service drive or parking space with direct access to such driveway shall be 25 feet, measured perpendicularly from the street. A minor driveway entrance radii shall be 30 feet, and a minimum width shall be 24 feet. A 100-foot long 12-foot wide right turn taper shall be required for a driveway adjacent to a thoroughfare with a 40 m.p.h. posted speed limit. A right turn taper will not be required for a driveway abutting a thoroughfare with four or more through lanes.


    Intermediate driveway entrance. This driveway type shall provide for a maximum average daily trip end volume of 1,500 vehicles and/or a maximum average peak hour volume of 150 vehicles. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any ingress or egress intermediate driveway to the outer edge of an interior service drive or parking space with direct access to such driveway shall be 50 feet, measured perpendicularly from the street. A right turn lane will not be required for a driveway abutting a thoroughfare with four or more lanes. Refer to subsection (e)(5) for turn lane requirements. A minimum of two egress lanes, 12 feet in width each with one, 14-foot wide ingress lane shall be provided. An intermediate driveway radii shall be 35 feet.


    Major driveway entrance. This driveway type shall provide for a maximum average daily trip end volume of 5,000 vehicles and/or maximum average peak hour volume of 500 vehicles. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any ingress or egress major driveway to the outer edge of any interior service drive or parking space with direct access to such driveway shall be 100 feet, measured perpendicularly from the street. Refer to subsection (e)(5) for turn lane requirements. A minimum of two egress lanes 12 feet each in width and one, 14-foot wide ingress lane shall be provided. A major driveway radii shall be 40 feet.


    Major driveway - signalized. Any major driveway requiring a traffic signal shall conform to those warrants specified in the "USDOT Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" in addition to the following minimum requirements:


    The installation of any traffic signal shall be subject to the approval of the CTE.


    Refer to subsection (e)(5) for turn lane requirements.


    Number and location of driveways. The number and location of driveways shall be determined as follows:


    Spacing of driveways.


    The minimum distance for a driveway from an unsignalized intersection shall be in accordance with spacing criteria of Table V., Driveways that do not meet the spacing criteria of Table V, shall be limited to right turns only.


    If the closest intersection is or is likely to be signalized, then traffic movements to and from any driveway within 370 feet of an intersection with a collector or an arterial shall be limited to right turns only.


    Only one driveway shall be permitted for ingress and egress purposes to a single property or development, provided:


    Two driveways entering a particular thoroughfare from a single property or development may be permitted if all other requirements of this section are met and if the minimum distance between the adjacent driveways conforms to the minimum spacing requirements of Table V.


    Three driveways entering a particular thoroughfare from a single property or development may be permitted if all other requirements of these regulations are met and if the minimum distance between adjacent driveways conforms to the minimum spacing requirements of Table V.


    A joint access driveway will be considered as adequate access for any two adjacent developments. For a development where additional driveways are being requested and where those driveways do not meet the spacing requirements, the applicant shall be required to submit a brief traffic report justifying the need, describing the internal circulation and parking system, and identifying the impact of the development and its proposed access facilities on the operation of the thoroughfare.


    The minimum distance between centerlines of two-way driveways shall conform to Table V. For those driveways with left turn movements, median opening spacing requirements shall have precedence.


    Speed Limit
    25 155
    30 175


    If the speed limit of the thoroughfare is 35 miles per hour or greater, or the volume of right turn movements requires the construction of a right-turn lane(s), the minimum distance between centerlines of two-way driveways shall conform to Table V-B.

    (Centerline Spacing in Feet)

    Major DW
    Signalized, 4
    Lanes or More
    Minor DW* 335 350 355 370
    350 360 365 380
    Major DW 355 365 370 385
    Signalized, 4
    lanes or
    370 380 385 1320*


    DW = Driveway

    Minor DW = Maximum ADT of 500 or a maximum peak hour volume of 50

    Intermediate DW = Maximum ADT of 1,500 or maximum peak hour volume of 150

    Major DW = Maximum ADT of 5,000 or maximum peak hour volume of 500

    *Desirable spacing.

    Driveway centerline spacing may be increased if the required turn lane storage or transition is increased by any governmental agency. Minimum driveway centerline spacing may be decreased if one-way driveways are utilized and accepted by the DRC.


    Special driveway requirements. In the case of a land use with special driveway needs, an applicant may submit a traffic engineering study requesting deviations from the requirements of this section. If deviations from driveway requirements are permitted, substitute requirements which deviate no more than necessary to serve the special land use needs may be applied to the development in order to minimize the impact on the adjacent street.


    Turn lanes requirements.


    Turn lane requirements immediately adjacent to the development.


    A left-turn lane of 12 feet in width, conforming to Table VI, shall be provided at each driveway when the average daily trip ends of the driveway is 1,000 vehicles or more and/or the average peak hour inbound left-turn volume is 25 vehicles or more. Increased queue lengths (waiting vehicle storage) may be required by the CTE to provide for additional storage, based upon a peak hour entering volume greater than 75 vehicles in the peak hour. No queue length is required if the peak hour entering volume is 75 vehicles in the peak hour or less.


    A right-turn lane of 12 feet in width, conforming to Table VI shall be provided at each driveway when the speed limit equals or exceeds 35 miles per hour or if the development will generate 100 or more right-turn movements during the peak hour. Increased storage and transition queue lengths (waiting vehicle storage) may be required by the CTE to provide for additional storage, based upon a peak hour entering volume greater than 150 vehicles in the peak hour. No queue length is required if the peak hour entering volume is 150 vehicles in the peak hour or less.


    Additional improvements immediately adjacent to the development. At intersections, with a thoroughfare which abut the development, the following improvements shall be provided:


    A right-turn lane of 12 feet in width, conforming to subsection (e)(5) and Table VI, shall be provided if the development will generate 100 or more right turns during the peak hour.


    A left-turn lane of 12 feet in width conforming to subsection (e)(5) and Table VI, shall be provided if the street's speed limit is 35 miles per hour or greater and if the development will generate 25 or more left turns during the peak hour.


    Through lane pavement transition tapers. A through lane pavement transition taper shall be provided on all streets and roadways where the through lane is offset to provide for right turn lanes, left turn lanes, lane width changes and an increase or reduction in the number of through lanes. The through lane pavement transition taper length shall be based upon FDOT Standard Index #526 and 17346, and calculated using the following formulas:

    For design speeds less than or equal to 40 m.p.h. use:

    L =  WS

    For design speeds greater than or equal to 45 m.p.h. use:

    L = WS
    L = the pavement transition taper length in feet.
    W = the width of the through lane lateral transition in feet (offset).
    S = the design speed (must be at least five m.p.h. greater than the posted speed limit.)



    Urban Section
    Rural Section
    30 145 145
    35 155 155
    40 185 185
    45 240 320
    50 N/A** 385
    55 N/A** 455


    *  Includes minimum 50 feet bay taper in accordance with FDOT Standard Index #301 and 526.

    **  Curbing is not permitted for these speed limits, use rural section.


    Modifications. Required storage and transition lengths may be modified where conditions warrant and such modifications are acceptable to the DRC.

(Ord. No. 96-32, §§ XXVIII, LXXX, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08; Ord. No. 2012-05, § VII, 4-19-12)