§ 72-618. Off-street circulation, parking and loading facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Functional elements of off-street circulation system. Parking spaces, drive aisles, driveways and reservoir areas are the basic functional elements of the off-street circulation system. Additional elements, including but not limited to, service roads, loading areas, bicycle parking areas, and mass transit loading (bus stop) areas within the proposed development, and left-turn lanes, right-turn lanes, traffic signals and marginal-access roads immediately adjacent to the proposed development, may also be required.


    Vehicular circulation must be completely contained within the property, and vehicles located within one portion of the development must have access to all other portions without using the adjacent street system.


    Parking stalls and aisles.


    The minimum size (in feet) of a parking space shall be as follows:

    9′ × 19′ - standard space

    9′ × 22′ - parallel space

    12′ × 20′ with a five-foot-wide adjacent ingress/egress aisle - handicap space

    Parking and maneuvering areas shall be designed in accordance with the diagram and table below. A maximum of two feet of the length of any parking space may be grassed with use of raised curb or wheel stops.



    1 - Reservoir Area - Refer to subsections 409.01 and 409.04 of this Code.
    2 - Driveway Width - Refer to subsections 409.01 and 409.04 of this Code.
    All dimensions set out in 3 through 8 below are minimum dimensions.
    Dimensions of aisles and spaces for the following parking space angles are as follows:
    Parking Space Angles - (DEGREES)       45  50  55  60  90  180         
    3 - Drive Aisle -       13′ 15′ 16′ 18′ 24′  15′        
    4 - Parking Space Depth -       18′ 18′ 18′ 19′ 19′  22′        
    5 - Parking Space Width (Measured perpendicularly
    to the striping) -             9′  9′  9′  9′  9′   9′        
    6 - Row End Backup Area Depth - 15′
    7 - Row End Backup Area Radius - 15′
    8 - Distance to Property Line or Building - 5′ or as required by section 808, Volusia County Zoning Ordinance, 80-8, as amended.
    9 - Landscaped Buffer Area - As required by section 808, Volusia County Zoning Ordinance, 80-8, as amended.
    10 - Landscaped Island/Row End - As required by section 808, Volusia County Zoning Ordinance, 80-8, as amended.
    11 - 30′ Radiums Minimum.



    Any required off-street parking and loading area shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, bituminous concrete, packed shell, or marl material, and maintained in a smooth, well-graded condition. Stabilized grass or other alternate materials may be approved by the LDM.


    All required parking stalls shall have direct and unobstructed access from a parking aisle.


    No parking stall shall directly abut a driveway.


    Access for emergency fire vehicles shall be in accordance with NFPA standards.


    All off-street parking areas shall be so arranged and marked as to provide for orderly safe loading, unloading, parking and storage of vehicles with individual parking stalls clearly defined, and with directional arrows and traffic signs provided as necessary for traffic control. All signs and pavement markings shall be in accordance with the "USDOT Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices".


    Acceptable plans must illustrate that proper consideration has been given to the surrounding street plan, traffic volumes, proposed street improvements, vehicular street capacities, pedestrian movements and safety.




    All parking aisles shall connect to a driveway.


    A parking lot which exceeds 60 parking stalls shall be designed with at least one, two-way directional driveway loop system connecting the point of entry of the parking lot to the parking stalls and the principal building.


    The minimum distance from a driveway to a structure or property line shall be five feet.


    Single-lane driveways shall be a minimum of 14 feet wide. Two-lane driveways shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. Required widths shall be increased according to vehicle type or if the number of parking stalls connected or the number of trips generated justifies such increase.


    Any off-street parking facility shall have either driveway approaches of sufficient width to allow for two-way traffic, or one-way driveways connected to aisles, parking areas or maneuvering areas in such a manner as to permit traffic to simultaneously enter and leave the property, facing forward at the same time. A driveway which is only wide enough for one-way traffic shall be signed for one-way operation.


    Parking and loading areas to be curbed. Except for one- and two-family dwellings, all parking and loading areas shall be constructed with a six-inch raised curb or wheel stops located a minimum distance of seven feet behind the street right-of-way line and other property lines along sidewalks, safety islands, driveways, sight distance triangles, and other places as determined by the CTE. The raised curb shall be constructed in such a manner as to prevent vehicles from crossing sidewalks or other pedestrian walkways, other than by means of an approved driveway approach.


    Additional functional elements.


    Off-street loading spaces.


    Off-street loading spaces shall be designed to accommodate both the parking of and maneuvering of the design vehicle exclusive of those areas designated for aisles, driveways or parking stalls. Backing from or onto public right-of-way shall not be permitted. Off-street loading spaces shall be directly accessible from a street without crossing or entering any other loading space and may not extend into any street.


    Off-street loading space dimensional requirements. Each required off-street loading space shall have a minimum dimension of 12 feet by 40 feet and a minimum overhead clearance of 14 feet above the paving grade.


    Handicapped parking spaces.


    All handicapped parking spaces shall be accessible by a curb cut or curb ramp. Handicapped spaces and access aisles shall be paved and located at the closest practical point to the use or structure on the premises and so that it will not be necessary for individuals to access the space from behind other nonhandicapped spaces.


    Each handicapped parking space, regardless of the angle of design, shall have a minimum width of 12 feet, a minimum 20 feet in length with an adjacent five and parallel five-foot wide access aisle and shall comply with the standards specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, latest edition, published by the Florida Department of Community Affairs and F.S. § 316.1955.


    Each handicapped space shall be prominently posted with a permanent sign of a design specified in "Roadway and Traffic Design Standards", latest edition, published by the Florida Department of Transportation.


    Off-street truck maneuvering. Where a proposed development includes a truck loading operation and has access to a thoroughfare, adequate space shall be provided such that all truck maneuvering is performed off-street.


    Vehicular reservoir areas. Adequate reservoir capacity shall be required for both inbound and outbound vehicles to facilitate the safe and efficient movement between the public right-of-way and the development. An inbound reservoir shall be of sufficient size to ensure that vehicles will not obstruct the adjacent roadway, the sidewalk, and the circulation within the facility. An outbound reservoir shall be required to eliminate backup and delay of vehicles within the development.


    Design. A reservoir area shall be designed to include a space of 12 feet wide by 25 feet long for each vehicle to be accommodated within the reservoir area and so that vehicles within the reservoir area do not block parking stalls, parking aisles or driveways of off-street parking facilities.


    Adjacent to thoroughfare. The minimum number of vehicles required to be accommodated within a reservoir area of a parking lot adjacent to a thoroughfare shall be in conformance with Table IV.


    Adjacent to nonthoroughfare street. The minimum number of vehicles required to be accommodated within a reservoir area adjacent to a nonthoroughfare shall accommodate at least one percent of the number of parking stalls served by the driveway. For parking lots with fewer than 100 cars, the reservoir area shall be able to accommodate at least one car.

    Adjacent to Thoroughfare

    Reservoir Area
    Type of Facility Inbound Vehicles
    Outbound Vehicles
    Vehicle-oriented services:
    Drive-in bank 6 spaces per service position 1 space per service position
    Drive-in beverage, food sales, and laundry pickup 3 spaces per service position 1 space per service position
    Drive-thru restaurant service 8 spaces per service position 1 space per service position
    Automatic car wash 10 spaces on approach to wash line 6 spaces between end of wash line and right-of-way of street
    Self-service car wash 3 spaces on approach to wash line 1 space between end of wash line and right-of-way of street
    Hospital 5 spaces or 1% of the total parking capacity (use the greater figure) None
    Service station 4 spaces per service position 1 space per service position
    Gatehouse 5 spaces
    1 space
    Attendant parking 10% of the total parking capacity of the facility None
    Self-parking 5 spaces or 1% of the total parking capacity (use the greater figure) None
    Ticket gate (ticket-dispensing machine) 4 spaces minimum 1 space
    Cashier booth (tickets dispensed manually) 6 spaces minimum 1 space
    Gatehouse (commercial) 5 spaces or 1% of the total parking capacity (use the greater figure) 2 spaces
    Note: 1 reservoir space is 12 ft. × 25 ft.



    Accessibility to structures for vehicles other than automobiles.


    Structures intended for principal uses shall be made accessible to the following type of vehicles:

    Residential uses, other than single-family or duplex: Single-unit truck (SU);

    Commercial and institutional uses: Single-unit truck and semitrailer (WB-40) combination, intermediate;

    Industrial use: Single-unit truck (SU) and semitrailer - full trailer combination (WB-60).

    Definitions of, as well as, required specifications for the above vehicle types shall be those found in the "AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways and Streets".


    All buildings other than single-family or duplex residences shall be accessible to fire apparatus from two sides. Fire engines shall be considered as a WB-40 as defined by the "AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways and Streets". The area required to meet the AASHTO design standards shall be paved or treated to ensure support to a 16-ton weight vehicle. This area shall be maintained free of trees and bushes and shall be clearly designated for this purpose. Access from one side may be accepted by the DRC where access from two sides is not possible.


    Fire lanes shall be provided for all buildings which are set back more than 150 feet from a public road, or which exceed 30 feet in height and are set back more than 50 feet from a public road, and may be required for other buildings. Fire lanes shall be at least 20 feet in width with a minimum of five feet provided between the fire lane and any adjacent building. No parking shall be permitted between the fire lane and the building.


    Required parking spaces, parking aisles and driveways shall not be used as loading or parking areas for any type of vehicle including emergency vehicles other than automobiles.


    Interconnected parking areas. Nonresidential and multifamily developments fronting county or city collector, arterial, or state roads shall provide driveway improvements and driveway stub outs to property lines to facilitate existing and future interconnection of parking areas to adjacent sites.


    Parking lot access driveways and driving aisles shall be designed and located to connect to adjacent properties or access roadways that serve the subject site and adjacent properties. All access points and interconnecting driveways shall be designed and constructed to accommodate safe and efficient vehicle travel between adjacent sites, as approved by the DRC.


    All connecting driveway improvements shall be paved according to the applicable standards, including proper driveway widths, construction specifications and treatment of transition grades.


    Pursuant to subsection 72-501(b)(3)c., the DRC may modify the interconnected parking area requirements at terminal points where nonresidential development abuts a residential development, or in circumstances where mixing different types of traffic (e.g., automobile versus truck) is undesirable; where separation of traffic is necessary for traffic safety; or where physical design constraints preclude interconnection of adjacent sites.

(Ord. No. 96-32, §§ XXVIII, LXXIX, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08; Ord. No. 2012-05, § VI, 4-19-12; Ord. No. 2012-10, § III, 6-7-12)