§ 72-617. Water and sewer.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General. Water and sewer facilities shall be designed in compliance with all applicable regulations by a Florida registered engineer. All water and sewer facilities shall be approved by county utilities, the CDE, as appropriate, the Volusia County Health Department, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, and the St. John's River Water Management District, as appropriate. The cost of designing and installing water and sewer systems shall be borne by the developer.


    Water facilities.


    All proposed urban developments shall provide potable water production, treatment and distribution facilities, in accordance with chapter 7, the potable water subelement of the comprehensive plan and [chapter 122, article II, Code of Ordinances], and other applicable regulations.


    Developments with lot sizes equal to or greater than one acre may utilize individual wells provided that provisions are made to meet fire flow requirements in accordance with section 72-622 of this article and, further, provided the development is designated rural in the comprehensive plan.


    Development of water facilities shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan.


    All proposed urban development located within one-quarter mile of an existing potable water facility with available capacity, as provided in division 14, to serve the proposed development, shall connect to said existing facility or alternate facility approved by Volusia County Utilities. The proposed development shall be designed to provide adequate areas and easements necessary for the installation and maintenance of a potable water distribution system which meets the requirements of the potable water subelement of the comprehensive plan, of this article, [chapter 122, article II, Code of Ordinances], chapter 17-6 and chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code, and the most current ANSI/ASTM standards.


    All proposed urban development within one-quarter mile of an existing potable water facility, which lacks capacity to serve the proposed development, shall be approved subject to the existing or approved alternate potable water facility being made available as provided in division 14.


    Where joint participation agreements have not been approved, the county may operate and maintain potable water production, treatment and distribution systems in the unincorporated area of the county. Developments that construct or guarantee construction of their own potable water facilities shall convey such potable water facilities to the county.


    Sewer facilities.


    All proposed urban development shall provide for central sewer collection, treatment and disposal facilities in accordance with chapter 8, the sanitary sewer subelement of the comprehensive plan, [chapter 122, article II, Code of Ordinances], division 14 of this article, and other applicable regulations.


    Where approved for use, all septic tanks shall be located in yards abutting sewer facility easements. Where connection to a central wastewater system is not required, individual wastewater disposal treatment and discharge systems which include septic tanks shall be provided.


    Where joint participation agreements have not been approved, the county may operate and maintain wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems in the unincorporated area of the county. Developments that construct or guarantee construction of their own sewer collection, treatment and disposal facilities shall convey the sewer facilities to the county at no expense to the county.


    Development of sewer facilities shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan. A finding that wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services is available must be based upon a demonstration that the existing facilities have sufficient capacity to provide for the needs of the proposed development and for all other developments in the service area which are occupied, available for occupancy, for which building permits are in effect, or for which wastewater treatment or disposal capacity has been reserved. If existing wastewater services are unavailable, but will be made available, any development order shall be conditioned upon such availability. A finding that wastewater services will be made available must be based upon a demonstration that there is a feasible plan to construct or expand a wastewater system which will have sufficient capacity to provide for the collection, treatment and disposal needs of the proposed development and for all other developments in the service area which are occupied, available for occupancy, for which building permits are in effect, or for which wastewater collection, treatment or disposal capacity has been reserved. The granting of a development order shall not be construed to effect a reservation of wastewater capacity.


    Whenever any pressure or force mains are located underneath pavement or curbs with cover of less than 36 inches, the mains shall be encased or shall be constructed of ductile iron for pipe diameter of four inches or more, and galvanized iron for pipe diameter under four inches or shall be made of appropriate material.


    Where central sanitary sewer facilities are provided, all new development approved pursuant to division 2, shall install facilities where feasible for connection and use of recovered wastewater for irrigation and other nonpotable water uses. Upon being made available, such development shall connect to and use recovered wastewater.

(Ord. No. 96-32, § XXVIII, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08)