§ 72-539. Overall development plan review.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Procedures. The information required below shall be submitted on sheet sizes of 24 inches by 36 inches (unless otherwise approved in advanced by the LDM), and shall be signed and sealed by a Florida registered professional engineer except when required to be signed and sealed by a registered surveyor and mapper licensed to practice in the State of Florida.


    Required submittals. The application shall include the following supporting information:


    General information.


    Name of subdivision; name, address, telephone number of the subdivider, subdivision designer, professional engineer and registered surveyor; all applicable tax parcel identification numbers according to Volusia County Property Appraiser's Office;


    Date of survey and schematic plan preparation, north point and graphic scale;


    Vicinity map at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 2,000 feet with sufficient information to locate the property in the field;


    Total acreage in tract, acreage in public or other land usage, total number of lots, and linear feet in streets;


    Names and location of adjoining subdivisions and streets;


    Legal description of the property proposed for platting;


    Other supplemental materials or any deed restrictions or protective covenants for the subdivision and any other information considered by either the applicant or the DRC to be pertinent to the review of the ODP;


    A management plan for conservation subdivisions approved pursuant to section 72-547.


    Existing site data.


    Current boundary survey, performed within the last two years, of the property prepared by a registered professional surveyor and mapper licensed to practice in the State of Florida, to include all above ground improvements, easements of record and the limits of all adjacent rights-of-way;


    City limits lines (if any), property lines, rights-of-way, pavement widths, easements, streets, driveways, railroads, utility transmission lines, storm sewers, ditches and culverts, sanitary sewers, water mains, bridges, buildings, bulkhead and bulkhead lines for the subject property and for the surrounding area within 300 feet of the proposed development;


    Wooded, wetland, and 100-year floodplain areas, marshes, water bodies or watercourses, ponds, and other similar conditions affecting the site;


    Topography of the site at not more than two-foot vertical contour intervals based on mean sea level data furnished by a professional engineer or surveyor;


    Specific soil types and their limitations for planned use. Soil information is to be taken from the most recent soil survey of Volusia County, Florida. The soil types and boundaries shall be delineated on the plan. Soil borings if required;


    Predominant plant communities identified by common name and location, graphically depicted on the plans;


    Current zoning and existing uses of subject property and of adjacent and surrounding properties within 300 feet;


    Known wildlife corridors for federal and state endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern;


    Known plants and animals which inhabit the site that are listed as federal and state endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern;


    Known historic and archaeological sites;


    Location (if any) of ECO designated lands on the subject property and surrounding property within 300 feet.


    Proposed site data.


    Street rights-of-way and pavement widths;


    Other rights-of-way or easements;


    Schematic plans of all underground utilities, including but not limited to, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water lines or electric lines if located underground; schematic details indicating proximity and/or connections to existing systems or proposals for development of new systems;


    Proposals for dikes or any created water bodies or changed watercourses;


    Locations of bulkheads and bridges, if any;


    Typical lot dimensions;


    Parks, school sites, and other public uses, if any;


    Areas that may be reserved for parks or recreation sites, conservation easements, or open space areas;


    Designation of areas to be used for purposes other than residential and public, if any;


    Surface drainage patterns with direction of flow and method if disposal on-site and off-site;


    Approximate spot elevations sufficient to indicate proposed grading of the streets and landscapes;


    Plans and information required pursuant to all other applicable sections of this article;


    Tentative construction schedule for the proposed development, including, if applicable, a tentative schedule for phasing construction, the date potable water facilities are needed to serve the proposed development and a commitment from the appropriate potable water provider, if other than the County of Volusia, demonstrating that adequate capacity shall be available to service the proposed development at the time of impact as provided in division 14; provided, however, the level of service standards described in division 14 shall be adhered to by any potable water facility provider;


    The date sanitary sewer facilities are needed to service the proposed development and a commitment from the appropriate sanitary sewer system provider, if other than the County of Volusia, that adequate capacity shall be available to service the proposed development at the time of impact as provided in division 14; provided, however, the level of service standards described in division 14 shall be adhered to by any sanitary sewer provider.

(Ord. No. 90-22, § I, 5-17-90; Ord. No. 90-33, §§ XXIV—XXVI, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 94-2, §§ 34, 35, 4-7-94; Ord. No. 96-32, § XVII, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08; Ord. No. 2015-02 , § VI, 3-5-15)