§ 72-969. Application procedures and requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where a development is being processed under division 2 or division 3 and a well field protection permit is required, the information and exhibits in subsections (b)(1) through (8) below shall be provided with the preliminary plat application processed under division 2 or the final site plan application processed under division 3 for concurrent review.


    An application for a well field protection zone permit not being processed concurrently with an application pursuant to divisions 2 or 3 shall be submitted in the manner described herein on the forms prescribed by the EMD with the following information and applicable documents:


    Name, address and phone number of the property owner, operator and/or agent.


    Signature of the agent or owner.


    Legal description of the property, including the tax parcel number.


    A survey or scale drawing of the property, if required by the EMD, identifying existing structures, adjacent streets, water bodies and all potable water supply wells located within 1,000 feet of the proposed hazardous substance storage area.


    A description of the proposed activity at the proposed location.


    Construction plans and specifications for the hazardous substance storage system, including, but not limited to, details of tanks, conveyance and pumping systems, secondary containment, leak detection, overfill protection and access, prepared by a professional engineer licensed by the State of Florida.


    A list of all known hazardous substances that may be utilized, generated and/or stored at the described property. This shall include, but not be limited to, any substance described in section 72-964 of this article.


    Other information which the EMD may reasonably require.


    The application, with all applicable documents and a nonrefundable processing fee, shall be submitted to the land development manager (LDM).


    Three copies of the required documents shall be submitted with the application. The documents shall meet the requirements of this article.


    The LDM shall determine the acceptance of the application within three days of filing. If the application is determined to be incomplete, it shall be returned to the applicant. If the application is determined to be complete, it shall be accepted and the LDM shall transmit it to the EMD.


    Upon receipt, the EMD shall review the application, conduct a preliminary site inspection notifying the applicant prior to said inspection and make a determination of approval, approval with conditions or denial within 20 working days of acceptance. If the application meets all of the requirements of this division, it shall be approved. Upon such approval the EMD shall return the application to the LDM with approval noted by the EMD. If the application is denied, it shall be returned to the LDM, with the reasons for denial noted thereon.


    Provided, however, upon receipt of an accepted application, if the EMD determines that the proposed activity fails to meet the minimum requirements of this division, or if additional information is required, a request will be made to the applicant to provide the additional information and modify the application.


    If the applicant fails to make the necessary modifications or provide the additional information within 60 days, then the EMD shall deny the permit. If the necessary modifications are made or the additional information is provided, the EMD shall approve the permit within 20 days from the receipt of the additional information.


    The LDM shall issue the permit or denial immediately upon receiving the determination of the EMD.

(Ord. No. 90-33, § LVIII, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 96-32, § LXXII, 12-19-96; Ord. No. 2008-25, § III, 12-4-08)