§ 72-300. Natural resource management area.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and intent: The purpose of this section is to provide regulations to manage and enhance those lands and waters which, because of past development trends and physiographic characteristics, have remained relatively unfragmented. These areas, among other functions, may support a healthy and diverse array of plant and animal life; continually help recharge the county's groundwater supply; ensure high quality surface waters; and provide recreation, aesthetic and open space areas that have become an integral part of the quality of life for Volusia County residents and visitors. It is intended that the development of land within the natural resource management areas (NRMA) does not adversely impact the quality and quantity of the existing resources. Development activities within the NRMA are intended to be more restrictive than for the same activities falling outside of the NRMA. The natural resource management area is consistent with the future land use map of the comprehensive plan.


    Environmental impact assessment: As required by subsection 72-505(i) of the Land Development Code [article III], an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report is required for proposed developments within the NRMA. The report shall be submitted and reviewed in the manner prescribed by the Land Development Code [article III]. Approval of this report is required prior to the issuance of a development permit.


    Wetlands preservation: All wetlands within the NRMA are to be preserved as required by division 11 of the Land Development Code [article III].


    Shoreline protection:


    The construction of vertical walls or bulkheads along the banks and shorelines of naturally occurring surface waterbodies is prohibited except as may be waived by the county council for those instances where a serious threat to life or property can be demonstrated.


    Other methods of bank and shoreline stabilization (i.e., sloping stabilization methods combined with vegetation) shall be used, to the maximum extent feasible, in lieu of vertical walls or bulkheads when hardening of the shoreline has been approved.


    Upland protection:


    Any required open space for projects within the NRMA (as specified by the comprehensive plan) shall be utilized to preserve upland habitat in an ecologically strategic manner (e.g., adjacent to wetlands, watercourses and waterbodies and other protected resources). Required buffers consisting of uplands may count towards achieving this standard.


    Disturbance or alteration of environmentally sensitive uplands shall be avoided to the greatest extent practical. If unavoidable to attain reasonable use, such disturbances must be minimized and/or mitigated and appropriately managed as described and approved in the required EIA.

(Ord. No. 90-34, §§ 96—100, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 91-11, §§ XXVIII, XXIX, 5-16-91; Ord. No. 94-4, §§ XCIX, C, 5-5-94; Ord. No. 2008-25, § II, 12-4-08)