§ 72-286. Off-street parking and loading.  

Latest version.
  • Where required by this article, every use or structure shall have an adequate number of off-street parking and loading spaces for the use of occupants, employees, visitors, customers, patrons or suppliers. Division 4 of the Land Development Code [article III], shall apply to the design and construction of all required off-street parking and loading areas.


    Lighting. If the off-street parking area is lighted, artificial lighting shall be arranged and installed to minimize or eliminate glare on surrounding residential property and to motorists traveling on adjacent streets.


    Location. Off-street parking areas shall be located to meet the following requirements:


    For single-family and duplex uses each off-street parking space shall be located on the premises which it serves; not be located in any front yard except on a driveway but may be located within any garage or carport on the premises; or may be located within any side or rear yard but not closer than five feet to any side or rear lot line, but not in any platted easements. Each such space must be accessible from a driveway connected to the street providing primary access to the premises.


    For all other uses, off-site parking and loading areas shall be designed and located according to the requirements of this article and the applicable divisions of the Land Development Code.


    If the required off-street parking spaces cannot reasonably be provided on the same lot on which the principal building or use is located, such required off-street parking spaces may be located on another lot, owned or leased by the owner of the lot on which the principal structure or use is located, provided:


    The spaces are located within 200 feet of the premises to be served.


    The spaces are located only in one or more of the following classifications: OCV, OTC, OMV, SWC, SWR, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-8, B-9, AP, I-1, I-2, I-3 and I-4.


    In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, applicants shall provide an affidavit to the county stating that they have the right to use the property for an off-site parking area.


    Any off-site parking located on a developed lot shall be in addition to the minimum required parking necessary to support the principal use of said developed lot.


    Plan requirement. An off-street parking or loading space plan shall be submitted as follows:


    For single-family and duplex uses, off-street parking plans shall be shown on the plot plans submitted with an application for a building permit. The plot plan shall accurately illustrate the number and location of parking spaces and driveways.


    For all other uses, an off-street parking and loading space plan meeting the requirements of section 72-620 of the Land Development Code, shall be submitted and approved during the site plan review process of the Land Development Code.


    Enlargement of structure or change of use. An existing structure or use with insufficient off-street parking may be physically enlarged or undergo a change in use in compliance with the following:


    If a structure with insufficient parking is enlarged, the owner must provide additional parking based on the square footage of the enlargement area, but is not required to supplement the number of existing insufficient parking spaces.


    If a use with insufficient parking is changed to one that requires more parking than the previous use, only the difference between the number of parking spaces required for the previous use and those required for the new use shall be provided.


    Minimum off-street parking spaces. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined from the following table. Numbers for any use not specifically mentioned shall be the same as for the use most similar to the one sought. Fractional spaces shall be rounded to the closest number. In stadiums, houses of worship, sports arenas or other places of assembly where occupants sit on seats without dividing arms, each 18 linear inches of such seat shall be counted as one seat. For modification of certain minimum parking standard, refer to subsection 72-291(b).

    Residential Uses
    Single-family standard
    Manufactured modular
    Mobile home
    All uses 2 per dwelling unit
    Mobile home park
    RV park
    All uses 2 per dwelling unit
    Garage apartment 1 per unit
    Multifamily Studio
    1 bedroom
    2 bedroom
    3 + bedroom
    1.5 per unit
    1.5 per unit
    2.0 per unit
    2.0 per unit
    Boarding house
    All uses 1 per bedroom
    Residential care facility Community residential home
    Group Home
    Nursing Home
    2 per owner, plus 1 per every 6 residents
    2 per owner, plus 1 per every 6 residents
    1 for every 3 beds
    Civic Uses
    Lecture halls
    Conference rooms
    Rural event centers
    All uses 1 per 3 seats
    Community center
    Civic center
    All uses 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Day care 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA (may be reduced to 1 per 1,000 GFA if a 24 ft. wide drop off zone is provided by a main entrance)
    Government buildings Requires parking study in accordance with subsection 72-286(5)
    House of worship 10 per 1,000 sq. ft of assembly area
    Library 1 per 300 sq. ft. of GFA
    Marina Boat ramp
    Wet slip
    Dry storage
    Club house
    8 vehicle-boat trailer spaces per ramp
    1 per 3 slips
    1 per 3 slips
    4 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Outdoor recreational uses: Baseball field
    Softball field
    Soccer field
    Basketball court
    Volleyball court
    Tennis court
    Fishing pier
    Jogging trail
    Open "free play"
    Picnic area
    20 per field, or 8 per acre for multipurpose uses
    20 per field, or 8 per acre for multipurpose uses
    20 per field, or 8 per acre for multipurpose uses
    5 per court
    5 per court
    2 per court
    2 per court
    2 per court
    10 per site
    1 per 50 linear feet
    2 per trail head
    8 spaces per acre
    1 per table
    1 per site
    Schools Art/dance
    3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    1 per classroom
    3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Requires parking study in accordance with subsection 72-286(5)
    Requires parking study in accordance with subsection 72-286(5)
    Regional sports complex Requires parking study in accordance with subsection 72-286(5)
    Commercial Uses
    Air, rail and truck terminals 1 per 300 sq. ft. of terminal building floor area
    Amusement centers Arcade
    Skating rink
    Miniature golf
    Bowling alley
    Sweepstakes Center
    4 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, or 1 for 3 persons
    The outdoor facilities are designed for, whichever is greater
    Automobile service station Type A
    Type B
    Type C
    2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 1 per pump
    2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 2 per bay
    2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 1 per pump
    Financial institutions
    All uses 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Convenience stores 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 1 per pump
    Funeral home 10 per 1,000 sq. ft. of assembly area
    Furniture store 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Grocery stores 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Home improvement
    All uses 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, including outdoor sales area
    Health club
    Indoor exercise facility
    Yoga studio
    All uses 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Hospital Requires parking study in accordance with subsection 72-286(5)
    Hotel/motel 1.5 per room
    Nightclubs or bars 3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Office General
    2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Pharmacy 2.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Restaurants Type B: Fast-food*
    Type A: High turn over*
    Type A: Quality*
    5 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA and outdoor seating area
    5 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA and outdoor seating area
    3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA and outdoor seating area
    Retail sales and service <120,000 sq. ft.
    >120,000 sq. ft.
    2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    3 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Retail specialty shop 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Shopping centers 2.5 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA
    Theater 1 per every 4 seats
    Vehicle sales and rental 2 per 1,000 sq. ft. of indoor and 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of outdoor sales area, plus 2 per service bay
    Industrial Uses
    Contractor shop
    Contractor storage
    Flex office/warehouse
    Equipment yard
    All uses 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 1 loading space per 2,000 GFA for designated truck parking area, plus 2 per 1,000 GFA of retail display/sales area
    All uses 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of GFA, plus 1 loading space per 2,000 GFA for designated truck parking area
    Recycling center
    1 per 1,000 GFA of indoor and outdoor sales or storage area
    Self-storage rental
    All uses Minimum 5, plus 1 per 100 units
    *As defined by the ITE: Trip Generation manual latest addition as amended



    Maximum off-street parking. The maximum number of parking spaces may not exceed 125 percent of the minimum spaces required by this section, except for a single-family residential dwelling unit, and as otherwise modified in accordance with subsection 72-286(5).


    Required off-street loading. Off-street loading areas are required in order to provide adequate space for the loading and unloading of goods, without interfering with the public use of streets, or off-street parking spaces. Off-street parking spaces may not be used to meet off-street loading requirements.


    Off-street loading space dimensional requirements. The dimensions, design, and location of all off-street loading spaces shall meet the requirements of division 4 of the Land Development Code [article III].


    Minimum off-street loading spaces. The minimum numbers of off-street loading spaces shall be determined from the following table:

    Floor Area
    in Square Feet
    Loading Space
    Retail sales and ser- 3,000—10,000 1
     vices, restaurants 10,001—20,000 2
     (Types A and B) or Each additional 1
     similar uses  20,000 square feet or
    Offices, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, adult congregate living facilities, multifamily dwellings, or similar uses. (Ord. No. 84-1, § LVI, 3-8-84) 30,000—100,000
    Each additional  100,000 square feet  or fraction

    Arenas, auditoriums, 10,000—50,000 1
     stadiums, conven- 50,001—100,000 2
     tion centers, exhi- Over 100,000 4
     bition halls, mu-
     seums, or similar
    Any industrial use 15,000—40,000 1
     and any wholesale, 40,001—100,00 2
     retail and commer- 100,001—160,000 3
     cial storage facility Each additional 80,000
     and solid waste  square feet or frac-
     transfer facility  tions



    Minimum requirements for off-street handicapped parking. Except for standard and manufactured single-family dwellings, mobile homes and two-family standard or manufactured dwellings, where off-street parking spaces are required by this article, the number to be reserved for the handicapped shall be determined from the following table:

    Total Number of
    Off-Street Parking
    No. of Spaces
    Required To Be
    Reserved for Handicapped
    Up to 25 .....  1
    26 to 50 .....  2
    51 to 75 .....  3
    76 to 100 .....  4
    101 to 150 .....  5
    151 to 200 .....  6
    201 to 300 .....  7
    301 to 400 .....  8
    401 to 500 .....  9
    501 to 1000 ..... 2% of Total
    Over 1000 ..... 20
    Plus, for each 100 over 1000 .....  1



    Bicycle and motorcycle parking.


    Bicycle parking. Each of the following uses shall be required to provide parking spaces for bicycles, parks/recreation areas, convenience stores, restaurants (types A and B), game rooms, pharmacies, shopping centers (regional, community and neighborhood), and any employment facility (i.e., office, industrial) with at least 50 employees. The minimum number of bicycle spaces to be provided shall be determined from the following table:

    Number of
    Minimum Number
    of Required
    Bicycle Spaces
     1— 40 2
    41— 60 3
    61— 80 4
    81—100 5
    Over 100 6 plus 1 for each 20 automobile parking spaces over 100, provided that the maximum number of required bicycle spaces shall not exceed 20


    All bicycle parking shall be located so as to not conflict with automobile or pedestrian traffic flow.


    Motorcycle parking. Developments with more than 40 spaces may substitute motorcycle parking for automobile parking at a rate of three percent of required parking. Areas delineated for use by motorcycles shall meet standards consisting of an area of four feet by ten feet and shall be identified as a motorcycle parking area by signs or pavement delineation.


    Mass transit requirements. Community and regional shopping centers shall be designed to accommodate buses for convenient and safe boarding and unloading of passengers as well as maintaining a safe traffic pattern. Shopping centers of greater than 100,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area shall provide a passenger shelter or covered benches.


    Special event off-street parking: During Race Week, Bike Week and Biketoberfest special events, motor vehicles may be temporarily parked on lots in the A-1 and A-2 zoning classifications. The temporary parking period shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the day of the special event. The temporary parking lots shall have an approved connection (use permit) to the road right-of-way from the appropriate local, state or federal authority.

(Ord. No. 81-42, § IV, 10-8-81; Ord. No. 81-39, § LXII, 11-19-81; Ord. No. 84-1, § LIV, 3-8-84; Ord. No. 85-2, § II, 3-14-85; Ord. No. 88-2, § XI, 1-19-88; Ord. No. 89-20, §§ XXIX, XXX, XXXII, 6-20-89; Ord. No. 90-34, §§ 61, 63—66, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 91-11, § XV, 5-16-91; Ord. No. 94-4, §§ LXVI—LXXIII, 5-5-94; Ord. No. 98-25, §§ XXVII—XXIX, 12-17-98; Ord. No. 2004-20, § V, 12-16-04; Ord. No. 2008-25, § II, 12-4-08; Ord. No. 2012-06, § III, 5-3-12; Ord. No. 2012-10, § I, 6-7-12; Ord. No. 2013-08, § III, 5-2-13; Ord. No. 2018-04, § IV, 4-17-18; Ord. No. 2018-15, § III, 8-21-18)