§ 70-171. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (G & C Merriam Co., 11th ed. July 2003, or any subsequent edition) shall be used for the definition of any words not defined in this section.

    Ancillary facilities means the buildings, sites, and site improvements necessary to provide support services to educational programs (e.g., facilities as vehicle maintenance, warehouses, maintenance or administrative buildings not located at school plants).

    Applicant means any person applying for or who has been granted a permit to proceed with a project.

    Auxiliary facilities means those portions of a school plant which are not designated for student stations.

    Building permit means the permit required by the Florida Building Code in effect at the time of the application for the building permit to construct the specific type of dwelling for which the application was made.

    Certificate of occupancy means the official document or permit issued by a municipality in Volusia County or by the county, evidencing the completion of construction of a building in accordance with all applicable codes and its legal entitlement to permanent occupancy and use. The term certificate of occupancy shall also include an approved final inspection for a mobile home.

    Comprehensive plan means the same as the definition of the phrase "comprehensive plan" prescribed in the VCLDC.

    County means the County of Volusia, a body corporate and politic.

    County council means the county council of Volusia County, Florida.

    County manager means the county manager of the county or his or her designee.

    District means the School District of Volusia County.

    District school system means the educational facilities, auxiliary facilities, and ancillary facilities of the district, which are used to provide instruction in the public schools and the administrative or support activities relating to such instruction.

    Dwelling means one or more rooms in a building forming a separate and independent housekeeping establishment, arranged, designed or intended to be used or occupied by one family, and having no enclosed space or cooking or sanitary facilities in common with any other dwelling with no ingress or egress through any other dwelling, and containing permanent provisions for sleeping facilities, sanitary facilities and not more than one kitchen facility, and includes multifamily dwellings, manufactured homes and mobile homes and any dwelling in a multifamily dwelling and/or in a building containing multiple uses.

    Educational facilities means the building, furniture and capital equipment that are constructed, installed, or established for student stations, auxiliary facilities, and ancillary facilities.

    Feepayer means that person who pays an impact fee for educational facilities or such person's successor in interest with the right or entitlement to any refund of previously paid development impact fees which is required by this article and which has been expressly transferred or assigned to the successor in interest.

    Impact fee means the fee imposed for educational facilities under section 70-176.

    Land development activity means any change in land use or any construction or installation of a dwelling, or any change in the use of any structure that will or could result in additional students in the public schools of the district.

    Other development exactions means the dedication of the sites for or actual improvements constituting educational facilities, as mandated or required by the county or by a municipality located in Volusia County in connection with the issuance of a development permit.

    Owner means any person, group of persons, firm or firms, joint venture, corporation or corporations, or any other legal entity having legal title to the land sought to be developed in Volusia County including both incorporated and unincorporated areas.

    Person means an individual, firm, association, organization, whether social, fraternal or business, partnership, joint venture, trust company, corporation, receiver, syndicate, business trust or other entity or group or combination acting as a unit, including any government.

    Public schools means all educational facilities for kindergarten classes; elementary and secondary school classes and special classes; adult, part-time, vocational and evening schools, courses, or classes authorized by law to be operated under the control of the school board.

    School board means the governing board of the district.

    School plant means the land, building, furniture, equipment and site improvements which are necessary to accommodate students, faculty, administrators, staff and the activities of the educational programs and services for each student; the term includes educational facilities, ancillary facilities, and auxiliary facilities.

(Ord. No. 97-7, § II, 5-15-97; Ord. No. 2005-01, § II, 2-24-05; Ord. No. 2008-04, § I, 2-21-08)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.