§ 62-74. Criteria for issuance of certificate of designation.  

Latest version.
  • The historic resources considered for issuance of a certificate of designation by the historic preservation board shall possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials and workmanship, and shall meet at least one criterion in one of the three significant categories listed in this section:


    A historic resource shall be considered historically significant if it is:


    Associated with the life or activities of a person of importance in local, state or national history;


    The site of a historic event with a significant effect upon the county, state or nation;


    A prime historical example of the political, cultural, economic or social trends, successes or failures of the people of the county;


    Associated with a past or continuing institution which has contributed substantially to the life of the people in this county; or


    A building or structure, site, object or district if its location, landscape setting or environment exemplifies a specific historical context.


    A historic resource shall be considered architecturally significant if it is:


    A building, structure or district that embodies distinctive characteristics of an architectural style, type, form, period or method of construction;


    A building, structure or district that is the work of a prominent architect, builder or other design professional;


    A building, structure or district possessing elements of design, detail, material or craftsmanship which are of outstanding quality;


    A building, structure or district which represented, in its time, a significant technological innovation, or an adaptation to the state environment; or


    An exceptional or unique example of a utilitarian structure, building or district.


    A historic resource shall be considered archaeologically significant if it is:


    A site associated with an important historical event or person and which contains intact archaeological deposits;


    A site of such condition that data recoverable from the site may provide unique or representative information on past human activities and behavior; or


    A site that has in the past revealed information vital in developing well-established and widely accepted models and theories about past cultures and/or activities.

(Ord. No. 91-34, § VI, 12-19-91)