§ 62-72. Application for certificate of designation.  

Latest version.
  • Prior to the designation of any historic resource or historic district pursuant to this chapter, an application for a certificate of designation shall be submitted to the historic preservation board. This application shall contain, as a minimum, the following information:


    For individual historic buildings, structures and objects:


    A physical description of the building, structure or object and its character-defining features, accompanied by photographs.


    A description of the existing condition of the building, structure or object, including any potential threats or other circumstances that may affect the integrity of the building, structure or object.


    A statement of the historical, architectural or other significance of the building, structure or object as defined by the criteria for designation established by this chapter.


    A statement of rehabilitative or adaptive use proposals, if applicable.


    A location map showing zoning and other appropriate land use information and a legal description of the property.


    The name of the building, structure or object, and the Florida Site File number, if applicable.


    The name and address of the property owner.


    Any other appropriate information requested by the board.


    For individual archaeological or historic sites:


    The name of the site, and the Florida Site File number, if applicable.


    A location map showing zoning and other appropriate land use information and a legal description of the property.


    Culture or historic periods represented at the site.


    The type of site and a list of any artifacts associated with the site.


    A list of any references to human remains discovered at the site.


    Photographs showing at least one general view of the site and photographs of diagnostic artifacts found at the site (if available).


    A statement of the historical and/or scientific significance of the site as defined by the criteria for designation established by this chapter.


    A description of the physical condition of the site, including any potential threats or other threats that may effect the integrity of the site.


    The name and address of the property owner.


    Any other appropriate information requested by the board.


    For historic districts:


    A physical description of the district, accompanied by photographs of buildings, structures, objects or sites that are typical examples of contributing and noncontributing properties within the district.


    A description of typical architectural styles, character-defining features, and types of buildings, structures, objects or sites within the district.


    A map identifying all zoning, appropriate land use information, buildings, structures, objects and sites within the proposed district. Each building or structure in the proposed district shall be identified on the map as contributing or noncontributing, utilizing the definitions of these classifications provided in this chapter.


    A statement of the historical, cultural, architectural, archaeological or other significance of the district as defined by the criteria for designation established by this chapter.


    A statement of incentives requested, if any, and any additional guidelines which should be used in authorizing any alteration, demolition, relocation, excavation or new construction within the boundaries of the district.


    The names and addresses of all owners of property in the proposed district.


    Any other appropriate information requested by the board.

(Ord. No. 91-34, § VI, 12-19-91)