§ 62-41. Generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Creation. There is hereby created the county historic preservation board, referred to in this chapter as the board, as an agency of the county government in and for the county. The board is hereby vested with the power, authority and jurisdiction to inventory, designate, certify, regulate and manage historic resources in the county as provided for in this chapter. Said board is the successor agency to the historical commission.


    Orientation. The county council or county staff will conduct a board orientation in the first quarter of the year in which appointments are to be made. The orientation will acquaint the board with parliamentary procedure, sunshine law, public records law, and county staff that will be assigned to the historic preservation board.


    Powers and duties. The board shall have the following powers and duties:


    Adopt rules and procedures necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this chapter.


    Issue certificates of designation and designate eligible historic resources pursuant to the criteria outlined in this chapter.


    Advise the county council on all matters related to historic preservation policy, including use, management and maintenance of county-owned historic resources.


    Collect, arrange, record, publish and preserve historical material and data, including books, pamphlets, maps, charts, manuscripts, family, club or business histories, U.S. Census records, papers and pictures, and other objects and materials illustrative of and relating to the history of the county and this section of the state; to procure and preserve narratives of the early pioneers, explorers and others, and their exploits, perils, privations and achievements; to curate material of every description relative to the Indians of the section and the Indian wars, and relative to its soldiers, its schools, its churches and its industries, and its prominent men and women.


    Propose and recommend to the county council financial and technical incentive programs to further the objectives of historic preservation.


    Educate owners of designated historic resources and the general public on the benefits of historic preservation and federal, state and local laws and policies regarding the protection of historic resources.


    Request grant assistance through the county council from state, federal or private sources for the purpose of furthering the objectives of historic preservation.


    Upon designation as a certified local government, to review and make recommendations concerning National Register of Historic Places nomination proposals for properties in the unincorporated area of the county to the state national register review board.


    In cooperation with any municipality in the county, or historical society, mark by proper monuments, tablets or markers, the location of forts, Indian mounds or other places in the county where events of historical significance have occurred.


    When appropriate, issue certificates of appropriateness or certificates to excavate.


    Perform any other function or duty related to historic preservation authorized under this chapter or assigned by the county council.


    Be represented at pertinent historic preservation educational meetings, workshops and conferences sponsored by the Florida department of state, division of historic resources.


    Seek expertise on proposals or matters requiring evaluation by a professional or a discipline not represented on the board.


    Encourage board members to participate in the survey and planning activities of the county.


    The board shall conduct an annual goal setting session where they will outline their work-plan for the year. The board will make an annual presentation to the county council on the accomplishment of their work plan.




    Qualifications. The board shall have nine members, each of which shall be an elector of the county. The county council shall appoint a board member upon the nomination of a council member. Each district council member shall make one nomination. The at-large member and the county chair shall each make two nominations, one elector from the West side of the county and one elector from the East side of the county. No elected official, appointed state, county or municipal office holder, member of two or more other county boards or commissions, or employee of county government shall be appointed to serve on the board. Members may be appointed from either or both the incorporated or unincorporated areas of the county. Board members may be professionals from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, archaeology, anthropology, cultural geography, planning or other related disciplines or citizens who have demonstrated special interest, experience or knowledge in history, archaeology, architecture or related disciplines.


    Term. Members of the board shall be appointed by the county council to serve for a term of two years. Board members shall be eligible for reappointment.


    Vacancies and removal. If any member fails to attend two meetings during any calendar year ending December 31, regardless of the reason, the member's seat shall be deemed vacant. Any member of the board may be removed from office without cause by the county council. A board vacancy shall be filled upon nomination by the council member who shall have made the nomination to the vacated position or the successor to that council member. Appointments to fill any vacancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.




    Officers and employees. The members of the board shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary, who shall each serve a one-year term. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall have the right to vote. The vice-chairperson shall preside in the absence of the chairperson. The chairperson and vice-chairperson may each be reelected for additional terms, but may not serve for more than three consecutive years in said office.


    Staff support. The county growth management department shall provide clerical and professional staff assistance to the board.




    The board shall adopt rules of procedure for use at all of its meetings and keep minutes of all meetings.


    The board shall hold at least four meetings each year, but no more than six times annually, unless otherwise needed in order to accomplish those issues outlined in their work-plan. Each meeting shall have been previously noticed and shall be open to the public.


    All records of the board, including its rules of procedure, minutes and inventory, shall be maintained and considered to be public records open to inspection by the public.


    Upon designation as a certified local government, the board shall meet the reporting requirements outlined in the applicable law.


    A quorum shall consist of five members. No certificate of designation, certificate of appropriateness or certificate to excavate shall be approved unless five members concur.

(Ord. No. 91-34, § V, 12-19-91; Ord. No. 93-14, §§ I, II, 6-3-93; Ord. No. 95-31, § II, 8-24-95; Ord. No. 00-14, § I, 4-13-00; Ord. No. 2007-21, § I, 5-3-07)