§ 62-9. Rehearings.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If it is alleged that the historic preservation board or the county council has overlooked or misapprehended some facts or points of law, a rehearing of any decision of the board or the county council may be granted by that body upon the motion of any person aggrieved by its decision. That motion shall be in writing, shall be filed with the historic preservation officer within ten working days after rendition of the decision by the board or the county council as the case may be, and shall state its grounds.


    The movant shall serve the motion by certified mail or hand delivery upon the board or county council chairman and the county manager, and the property owner if the movant is other than the property owner previously notified of the hearing, together with a notice stating the date, time and place it will be orally presented to the board or county council.


    If the board or county council grants the motion, it shall state its reasons for doing so, and set a date, time and place for another public hearing upon due public notice.

(Ord. No. 91-34, § XVI, 12-19-91)