§ 58-1. Use of on-site sewage disposal systems by industrial or manufacturing operations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each person who owns a building in an area zoned for industrial or manufacturing purposes and uses an on-site sewage disposal system which is installed on or after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived must obtain an annual system operating permit from the county health department. A person who operates a business which uses an on-site sewage disposal system which was installed and approved prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived need not obtain a system operating permit. However, upon change of ownership or tenancy, the new owner or tenant must notify the department of the change; and the new owner or tenant must obtain a system operating permit regardless of the date that the system was installed or approved.


    A person who is not exempt under subsection (a) of this section may not operate a system without an operating permit.


    Prior to issuing a construction permit or operating permit for an on-site disposal system, the county health department may require or implement safeguards which the department determines are necessary to ensure that systems are not used for disposal of nondomestic type sewage waste.

    (d) Prior to the issuance of any county local business tax receipt in areas zoned for industrial or manufacturing purposes, the applicant shall first obtain a certificate of compliance from the environmental health division of the county health department.


    An application for the compliance certificate shall be made to the county health department and shall include at a minimum:


    The name of the user.


    The name of the property owner and/or leaser.


    The specific location of the business.


    A specific identification of each activity, use, operation, service and manufacturing or process product involved in the business.


    The owner or operator of every industrial or manufacturing zone land use in the county for which wastewater and sewage disposal requirements are met through the use of an on-site system shall, prior to changing the nature, character or intensity of such industrial or manufacturing land use and prior to adding any new use or operation to said land use, obtain from the county health department a compliance certificate pursuant to the provisions of this section.


    The county health department shall periodically review and evaluate the continued use of on-site sewage disposal systems in areas zoned or used for industrial or manufacturing purposes and may collect and analyze samples from within and around the system to determine compliance with state law and the provisions of this section.


    The county health department is authorized to collect a fee of $25.00 annually for each operating permit or certificate of compliance.


    Compliance with, and violations of, the provisions of this section may be enforced as provided by law.


    The provisions of this section shall apply county-wide.


    This section shall be deemed repealed upon the effective date of any law or regulation adopted or approved by the legislature establishing state-wide controls of the subject matter.

(Ord. No. 88-37, § I.A—K, 11-3-88; Ord. No. 2007-01, § I, 2-1-07)

State law reference

Pollution control, F.S. § 403.011 et seq.

Charter reference

Conflicts between county and municipal ordinances, § 1305.

Cross reference

Utilities, ch. 122; use of septic tanks or other private sewage disposal systems, § 122-55.