§ 50-527. Fertilizer content and application rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Fertilizers applied to turf shall be applied in accordance with requirements and directions provided by Rule 5E-1.003, Florida Administrative Code, "Fertilizer Label Requirements for Urban Turf, Sports Turf or Lawns."


    Nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizer shall not be applied to turf or landscape plants except as provided in subsection (a) for turf, or in the University of Florida/IFAS recommendations for landscape plants, vegetable gardens, and fruit trees and shrubs, unless a soil or tissue deficiency has been verified by an approved test.


    Fertilizers containing phosphorus shall not be applied to turf, sod, lawns or landscape plants in Volusia County. No fertilizer containing phosphorus shall be applied to turf, sod, lawns or landscape plants unless a soil or plant tissue deficiency is verified by a testing methodology approved by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. If a deficiency is verified, the application of fertilizer containing phosphorus shall adhere to the rates and directions for the appropriate region of Florida, as adopted by Florida Administrative Code Rule. This subsection supersedes any inconsistent provisions in subsections (a) and (b) regarding phosphorus.


    Fertilizers containing nitrogen applied to turf or landscaping plants within Volusia County shall contain no less than 50 percent slow release nitrogen per guaranteed analysis label. This subsection supersedes any inconsistent provisions in subsections (a) and (b) regarding nitrogen.

(Ord. No. 2014-06, § II, 4-3-14; Ord. No. 2014-09, § II, 7-17-14)