§ 50-285. Containment standards for hazardous substances.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Permit required. Except as provided in sections 50-282 and 50-275, no person shall construct or install any storage system for hazardous substances within the primary or secondary wellfield protection zone until an approved permit has been issued as provided in this division.


    Monitoring. Except as provided in sections 50-282 and 50-275, all storage systems intended for the storage of hazardous substances shall be designed with the capability of detecting that the hazardous substance stored in the primary containment has entered the secondary containment. Visual inspection of the primary containment is the preferred method; however, other means of monitoring may be required by the local government.


    Containment requirements. Primary and secondary levels of containment shall be required for all storage systems intended for the storage of hazardous substances, except as provided in sections 50-282 and 50-275.


    Primary containment. All primary containment shall be product-tight.


    Secondary containment.


    All secondary containment shall be constructed of materials of sufficient thickness, density and composition so as not to be structurally weakened as a result of contact with the discharge of hazardous substances. Leakproof trays under containers, floor curbing or other containment systems to provide secondary liquid containment shall be installed. The secondary containment shall be of adequate size to handle 110 percent of the volume of the largest container in order to contain all spills, leaks, overflows and precipitation until appropriate action can be taken. The specific design and selection of materials shall be sufficient to preclude any hazardous substances loss to the external environment. Secondary containment systems shall be sheltered so that the intrusion of precipitation is inhibited. These requirements shall apply to all areas of use, production and handling, to all storage areas and to above ground and underground storage areas.


    Vacuum suction devices, absorbent scavenger materials or other devices approved by the local government shall be present on the site or available within a time set by the local government. Devices or materials shall be available in sufficient magnitude so as to control and collect the total quantity of hazardous substances. To the degree feasible, emergency containers shall be present and of such capacity as to hold the total quantity of hazardous substances plus absorbent material.


    Procedures shall be established for periodic in-house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment. Such procedures shall be in writing. A regular checklist and schedule of maintenance shall be established, and a log shall be kept of inspections and maintenance. Such logs and records shall be kept on the site for inspection by the local government.


    Out-of-service storage systems.


    Storage systems which are temporarily out of service, and are intended to be returned to use, shall continue to be monitored and inspected.


    Any storage system which is not being monitored and inspected in accordance with this division shall be closed or removed in a manner approved by the local government.


    Whenever an abandoned storage system is located, a plan for the closing or removing or upgrading and permitting of such storage system shall be filed at a reasonable time as determined by the local government.


    Maintenance, repair or replacement.


    Any substantial modification or repair of a storage system, other than minor repairs or emergency repairs, shall be in accordance with plans to be submitted to the local government and approved prior to the initiation of such work.


    A facility owner or operator may make emergency repairs to a storage system in advance of seeking an approval whenever an immediate repair is required to prevent or contain an unauthorized discharge or to protect the integrity of the containment.


    Replacement of any existing storage system for hazardous substances must be in accordance with the new installation standards.

(Ord. No. 88-15, § 710.00, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 90-9, § II, 3-1-90)