§ 50-244. Adoption of standards by municipalities.  

Latest version.
  • The governing body of each affected municipality in the county, shall, no later than four months from the amended effective date of the ordinance from which this division is derived, submit to the county council, its ordinance containing the standards in this division; provided, however, prior to this date, a municipality may elect to authorize the county to administer this division within said municipality. Thereafter, the county council or staff shall review said ordinance for compliance with this division and, after said review, inform the municipality whether or not said municipal ordinance is in compliance with this division. Before such ordinance of the municipality is enacted or alternatively if an ordinance is not submitted within four months from the effective date of this amended section or is not in compliance with this division, then, notwithstanding any provision of chapter 20, the county council shall otherwise enforce article XII of Ordinance No. 88-3, as amended (land development code, appendix A to this Code) in said municipality, or may enforce this provision as provided in section 50-75.

(Ord. No. 89-60, § II(609), 12-21-89; Ord. No. 95-18, § III, 5-18-95; Ord. No. 99-12, § III, 6-17-99)