§ 50-71. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Words not defined in this section shall be construed to have the meaning given by common and ordinary use as defined by Webster's New World Dictionary, Second College Edition.

    Agricultural use means the use of land in horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, beekeeping, pisciculture and all forms of farm products and farm production.

    Altered wetland means wetlands which have been substantially affected by man, but which continue to be dominated by wetland or transitional vegetation.

    Applicant means any person applying for or who has been granted a development order and/or permit to proceed with a project.

    Aquifer means an underground formation, group of formations or part of a formation that is permeable enough to transmit, store or yield usable quantities of water.

    Armoring means the placement of manmade structures or devices in or near the coastal system for the purpose of preventing erosion of the beach or the upland dune system or to protect upland structures from the effects of coastal wave and current activity. Rigid armoring is the construction of rigid coastal protection structures, such as but not limited to seawalls, bulkheads or revetments. Flexible armoring is the design to bring sand back onto the beach system, for protection, such as but not limited to renourishment or restoration.

    Artificial drainage system means any canal, ditch, culvert, dike, storm sewer or other manmade facility which tends to control the surface flow of water.

    Artificial lighting means any source of temporary, fixed or movable light emanating from a manmade device, including, but not limited to, incandescent mercury vapor, metal halide, or sodium lamps, spotlights, streetlights, construction security lights or lights which illuminate signs. This definition shall not include hand held or vehicular lighting.

    As-built sketch means a drawing or diagram of an irrigation system as it exists at the time of irrigation system completion prepared by or at the direction of the person installing the system. This drawing must be in substantially the same form and contain the information as the sample sketch on file with the Volusia County Health Department.

    Automatic system means any irrigation method or system with a timing device that controls the periods of operation.

    Beach means lands and waters lying seaward of the seawall or line of permanent vegetation and within three miles seaward of the mean low-water mark.

    Best management practices (BMP) means management practices as found in Silviculture Best Management Practices Manual, state department of agriculture and consumer services, division of forestry.

    Best management practices (BMPs) for water wise landscape irrigation means a practice or combination of practices, based on research, field-testing, and expert review, and including economic and technological considerations, determined to be the most effective, practicable, on-location means for improving water quality, conserving water supplies and protecting natural resources.

    Buffer means upland areas adjacent to wetlands which are necessary to protect the wetlands and wetland species from the detrimental impacts of development or alteration. The buffer shall include canopy, understory and ground cover which consists of preserved existing vegetation or planted native species.

    Building setback line means that line parallel to and of the same configuration as the lot line, and which is located behind the front lot line, the minimum distance required by the front yard requirements of the local government's zoning ordinance, in front of which no structure shall be permitted, erected or placed.

    Bulkhead means a structure or partition to retain or prevent sliding of the land. A secondary purpose is to protect the upland against damage from wave action.

    Bulkhead line means a governmentally ordered, legally described line, established in or along the Atlantic Ocean, a river, watercourse or other body of water, that establishes the minimum distance from the water any property improvements must be located. The term "bulkhead line" shall include the term "seawall line."

    Caliper means the minimum trunk diameter of a replacement tree as measured at a predetermined point of measurement. Trunk diameter for trees up to four inches is to be measured six inches above the soil line. All trees over four inches in diameter will be measured 12 inches above the soil line.

    Clearing means the removal of any trees from the land, but shall not include mowing or grubbing.

    Coastal construction control line (CCCL) means the county coastal construction control line established by the state department of environmental protection, division of beaches and shores, to define that portion of the beach and dune system which is subject to severe fluctuations based on a 100-year storm surge, storm-induced waves or other predictable weather conditions. This defines the area within which special siting and design considerations are required to ensure the protection of the beach dune system, proposed or existing structures, and adjacent properties, and the preservation of the public beach access.

    Community water system means a public water system which serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.

    Deteriorated means degenerated or damaged to the point where the death of the tree is imminent or to the point where the tree poses a significant hazard.

    Developer means any person undertaking any development.

    Development means any significant manmade change, as determined by the local government, to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavating, permanent storage of materials, or the dividing of land into two or more parcels. Development includes but is not limited to the following:


    A reconstruction, alteration of the size, or structural change in the external appearance of a structure on land.


    A change in the intensity of use of land, such as an increase in the number of dwelling units in a structure or on land; or a material increase in the number of businesses, manufacturing establishments, offices or dwelling units on the land as may be determined by the local government.


    Alteration of a shore or bank of a seacoast, river, stream, lake, pond or canal, or stormwater management facilities, including any coastal construction as defined in F.S. § 161.021.


    Mining or excavation on a parcel of land.


    Demolition or removal of a structure.


    Clearing of land as an adjunct of construction.


    Deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste, or fill on a parcel of land.

    Diameter at breast height (DBH) means the trunk diameter of a tree measured 4½ feet above the average ground level at the base of the tree. However, if the tree forks 4½ feet above ground level, it is measured below the swell resulting from the double stem. Stems that fork below 4½ feet above ground level should be considered separate trees.

    Directly illuminating means illuminated as a result of the glowing element(s), lamp(s), globe(s), or reflector(s) of an artificial light source which is visible to a person who is in a standing position on the beach.

    Director means Director of the Environmental Management Division of the County of Volusia, or authorized designee.

    Discharge means the outflow of water from a project, site aquifer, drainage basin or facility.

    Distribution equipment means water emitters on irrigation systems including but not limited to sprinklers, rotors, spray heads and microirrigation devices.

    District means the St. Johns River Water Management District.

    Drainage system and natural drainage system mean surface streams or swamps which convey water to natural points of discharge.

    Dredging means excavation by any means in water or wetlands. It also means the excavation or creation of a water body which is or is to be connected to waters, directly or via excavated water bodies or a series of excavated water bodies.

    Dune means a mound or ridge of loose sediment, usually sand-sized, lying upland of the beach or shore, deposited by any natural or artificial mechanism. The term may also include a beach ridge, dune ridge, chenier or similar topographic feature.

    EPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    Even-numbered address means the house address, box number or rural route ending in the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or the letters A—M. Post office box numbers are not included.

    Existing development means a building or structure for which a building permit has been issued prior to the adoption of this ordinance.

    Expansion of irrigation system means any addition to an irrigation system beyond the extent of the original, permitted installation.

    Filling means deposition of materials by any means in water or wetlands.

    Filter means a device in an irrigation system that separates sediment or other foreign matter.

    Fixture means the device that holds, protects, and provides the optical system and power connections for a lamp.

    Floodlight means a reflector-type light fixture which is attached directly to a building and which is unshielded.

    Florida friendly means practices, materials, or actions that enhance the preservation of Florida's natural resources and protection of the environment.

    Florida friendly landscape means a landscape that incorporates the BMPs and philosophies promoted by programs such as Florida Yards and Neighborhoods/Environmental Landscape Management. The programs promote quality landscapes that conserve water, utilize water wise principles, protect the environment, are adaptable to local conditions, and are drought tolerant.

    Ground cover means low growing plants, other than turfgrass, used to cover the soil and form a continuous, low mass of foliage.

    Groundwater means water beneath the surface of the ground, whether or not flowing through known and definite channels.

    Hardscape means areas such as patios, decks, driveways, paths and sidewalks that do not require irrigation.

    Hazardous substances means those materials specified in section 50-283.

    Heating and air conditioning use means the use of water for heating, cooling or air conditioning.

    High volume irrigation area means a portion of landscaped area of any property that utilizes rotors, pop-up sprays, or sprinkler heads that irrigate more than five gallons per minute (per outlet).

    Historic tree means any Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) or Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) 36 inches DBH or greater or any other tree which is 36 inches DBH or greater and is determined by the local governing body to be of such unique and intrinsic value to the general public because of its size, age, historic association, or ecological value as to justify this classification. Any tree in this county selected and duly designated a Florida State Champion, United States Champion or a World Champion by the American Forestry Association shall likewise be within this definition.

    Hydrograph means a graph of discharge versus time for a selected outfall point.

    Hydrologic cycle means the movement of water through the environment on, above and below the surface of the earth.

    Indirectly illuminating means illuminated as a result of the glowing element(s), lamp(s), globe(s), or reflector(s) of an artificial light source which is not visible to a person who is in a standing position on the beach.

    Irrigation contractor means a licensed Volusia County Health Department Certified Pump and Irrigation Contractor, a licensed Florida Water Well Contractor, a Florida State Registered Plumbing Contractor, or a Florida State Certified Plumbing Contractor.

    Irrigation system means a device or combination of devices having a hose, pipe, or other conduit connected directly to any source of ground or surface water, through which water, or a mixture of water and chemicals, is drawn and applied for residential, commercial or agricultural purposes.

    Irrigation zone means a grouping of rotors, sprinkler heads, pop-up sprays, microirrigation emitters, or other irrigation equipment operated simultaneously by the control of one valve.

    Isolated wetlands means wetlands that have no hydrological or vegetative connections with waters of the state as defined in F.S. § 403.031(3).

    Lamp means the source of light within a luminaire.

    Land means the earth, water or air above, below or on the surface, and includes any vegetation, improvements or structures customarily regarded as land.

    Landscape means any combination of living plants (such as turfgrass, ground cover, shrubs, vines, hedges, or trees) and nonliving landscape material (such as rocks, pebbles, sand, mulch, walls, fences, or decorative paving materials).

    Landscape irrigation use means the outside watering or sprinkling of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens and other such flora which are planted and established and are situated in such diverse locations as residential landscaping, recreation areas, cemeteries, public, commercial and industrial establishments, public medians and rights-of-way.

    Landscaped area means any parcel, excluding the building footprint, driveways, sidewalks, hardscapes such as decks and patios, and nonporous areas. Water features are included in the calculation of the landscaped area. This area includes Xeriscape as defined in § 373.185(1)(b) F.S.

    Local government means any municipality in the county, and the county.

    Lot means an area of land which abuts a street and which either complies with or is exempt from the county subdivision regulations, or a municipality's subdivision regulations, and is sufficient in size to meet the minimum area and width requirements for its zoning classification as established in article VII of Ordinance No. 80-8, as amended (the zoning ordinance, appendix B to this Code), or a subdivision or any other tract or parcel of land, including the airspace above or contiguous thereto, intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development or both. The word "lot" includes the word "plot," "tract" or "parcel."

    Low-profile luminaire means a light fixture set on a base which raises the source of the light no higher than 48 inches off the ground, and designed in such a way that light is directed downward from a hooded light source.

    Low-volume hand watering means the low-volume irrigation of plants or crops with one hose attended by one person, fitted with a self-canceling or automatic shutoff nozzle.

    Low-volume irrigation means the use of equipment and devices specifically designed to allow the volume of water delivered to be limited to a level consistent with the water requirements of the plant being irrigated and to allow that water to be placed with a high degree of efficiency in the root zone of the plant. Micro-irrigation and drip-irrigation are examples of low-volume irrigation. The term also includes water use in mist houses and similar establishments for plant propagation.

    Low-volume irrigation area means a portion of landscaped area of any property that uses exclusively microirrigation.

    Low-volume pressure cleaning means pressure cleaning by means of equipment which is specifically designed to reduce the inflow volume as accepted by industry standards.

    Luminaire means a complete unit that artificially produces and distributes light. An artificial light source, including fixture, ballast, mounting, and lamp(s).

    Manual system means any irrigation method or system that does not have a control device that is automatically timed. Low-volume hand watering is a manual system.

    Mean high water means the average height of the high waters over a 19-year period. For shorter periods of observation, the term "mean high water" means the average height of the high waters after corrections are applied to eliminate known variations and to reduce the result to the equivalent of a mean 19-year value.

    Mean high-water line means the intersection of the tidal plane of mean high water with the shore.

    Medium volume irrigation area means a portion of landscaped area of any property that utilizes pop-up sprays or sprinkler heads that irrigate at a rate of one-half to five gallons per minute (per outlet).

    Microirrigation means the application of small quantities of water directly on or below the soil surface, usually as discrete drops or tiny streams through emitters placed along the water delivery pipes (laterals.) Microirrigation encompasses a number of methods or concepts including drip, subsurface, bubbler, low volume, or low flow irrigation, all of which emit less than two gallons of water per hour (gph) per outlet.

    Mitigation means actions including but not limited to restoration, enhancement or creation of wetlands, required to be taken by a person to offset environmental impacts of permitted activities.

    Mobile equipment means any public, private or commercial automobile, truck, trailer, railroad car, camper, boat, or any other type of similar equipment. The term shall not include sanitation or sludge vehicles or food vending or transporting vehicles.

    Mulch means nonliving, organic or synthetic materials customarily used in landscape design to retard erosion and retain moisture.

    Multifamily/commercial lot means a parcel of land duly subdivided which is zoned by the local government as other than a residential lot as defined in this section.

    Municipality means a duly incorporated municipality in the county.

    Native coastal vegetation means vegetation growing naturally on the dune systems within Volusia County.

    Native vegetation means an area which contains 50 percent or more plant species with a geographic distribution indigenous to all, or part, of the State of Florida, as identified in Wunderlin, R. P. 1998. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida . University Press of Florida, Gainesville. For the purposes herein, native vegetation does not include areas converted for agricultural use.

    Nest means an area where sea turtle eggs have been naturally deposited or subsequently relocated.

    Nesting season means the period from May 1 through October 31 of each year.

    New development includes new construction and remodeling of existing structures when such remodeling includes alteration of exterior lighting.

    New irrigation system installation means an irrigation system permitted after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives.

    Nonresidential activity means any activity occurring on any described parcel of land, whether or not within a structure, with the exception of residential activity as defined in this section.

    Nontransient, noncommunity water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over six months per year.

    Odd-numbered address means the house address, box number or rural route ending in the numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or the letters N—Z. Post office box numbers are not included.

    Owner/contractor means a person who installs an irrigation system on his or her own primary residence.

    Permitting authority means the Volusia County Health Department (VCHD) or the municipal designee.

    Person means any individual, firm, association, organization, whether social, fraternal of business, partnership, joint venture, trust company, corporation, receiver, syndicate, business trust, or other group or combination acting as a unit, including any government.

    Pole lighting means a light fixture set on base or pole which raises the source of the light higher than 48 inches off the ground.

    Pop-up sprays means spray heads, usually hidden in the landscape, that pop-up due to water pressure when activated and provide a continuous spray pattern throughout a given arc of operation.

    Portable sprinklers means any type of water sprinkler attached to the end of a hose including, but not limited to impact sprinklers, oscillating-arm sprinklers, and stationary fan sprinklers.

    Potable water means water that is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes meeting current state and federal drinking water standards.

    Potable water supply well means a potable water well to supply water which has been permitted for consumptive use by the St. Johns River Water Management District or provides water to a community water system or a nontransient, noncommunity water system.

    Pressure regulating head means a device that maintains a constant flow and pressure for increased efficiency of irrigation systems.

    Primary containment means the first level of product-tight containment, i.e., the inside portion of that container which comes into immediate contact on its inner surface with the hazardous substance being contained.

    Primary dune means the first natural or manmade mound or bluff of sand which is located landward of the beach which has substantial vegetation, height, continuity and configuration.

    Primary wellfield protection zone means the land area immediately surrounding any potable water supply well and extending a radial distance of 200 feet.

    Product-tight means impervious to the hazardous substance which is or could be contained so as to prevent the seepage of the hazardous substance from the containment system. To be product-tight, the containment system shall be made of a material that is not subject to physical or chemical deterioration by the hazardous substance being contained.

    Project means the particular structures and improvements proposed by the applicant on a particular land area which are part of a common plan of development, and shall include the subdivision of land.

    Rain sensor device means an operational, electrical or mechanical component placed in the circuitry of an irrigation system that is designed to override a sprinkler controller when precipitation has reached a pre-set quantity.

    Recharge means the inflow of water into a project, site aquifer, drainage basin or facility.

    Reclaimed water means the water that meets the current state department of environmental protection standards for reuse after flowing out of any treatment plant or works.

    Regulated boundaries means the area between the Atlantic Ocean and the westerly boundary of any lots or parcels that abut the westerly right-of-way line of the easternmost north-south public maintained roadway. Said boundaries shall also include any docks, piers or other structures projecting into the Atlantic Ocean.

    Replacement tree means any immature tree having an overall caliper of at least two inches, but said term does not include any tree listed as exempt in subsection 50-169(a)(6).

    Residential activity means any building or structure or portion thereof that is designed for or used for residential purposes and any activity involving the use or occupancy of a lot for residential purposes. Residential activity shall include those customary and accessory residential activities associated with the principal permitted use of a lot for residential purposes as set out in the zoning ordinance (appendix B to this Code) or other appropriate ordinance of the local government.

    Residential lot means a parcel of land duly subdivided and zoned for single-family or two-family use by the local government.

    Reuse means the deliberate application of reclaimed water for beneficial purpose. Uses include landscape irrigation, agricultural irrigation, aesthetic uses, groundwater recharge, industrial uses, fire protection or other useful purposes.

    Revetment means a sloped facing structure of an armoring material such as, but not limited to, guarrystone, concrete, or geotextile fabrics, built to protect a scarp, embankment, or shore structure against erosion by wave action or currents.

    Runoff means water from rainfall, irrigation, or other sources that is not absorbed by the soil or landscape and flows from the area, often contaminated with pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants.

    Sea turtles means any specimen belonging to the species Caretta caretta (loggerhead turtle), Chelonia mydas (green turtle), Dermochelys coriacea (leatherback turtle), or any other marine turtle using Volusia County beaches as a nesting habitat.

    Seawall means a structure separating land from water areas, primarily designed to prevent upland erosion and other damage as a result of wave action.

    Secondary containment means the level of product-tight containment external to and separate from the primary containment.

    Secondary wellfield protection zone means the land area immediately surrounding the primary wellfield protection zone, and extending a radial distance of 800 feet from said primary wellfield protection zone.

    Site development plan means the plan as may be required by the local government which shows all site conditions, all proposed site improvements, and the means by which the developer will conform with the requirements of divisions 4 and 5 of this article.

    Sign means any surface, fabric, device or display that is designated to advertise, inform, identify or to attract the attention of persons. For the purpose of this article, the term "sign" shall include all structural parts.

    Source of light means a bulb, lamp, filament or other manmade source that emanates light, including, but not limited to incandescent, tungsten-iodine (quartz), mercury vapor, fluorescent, metal halide, neon, halogen, high pressure sodium, and low pressure sodium light sources, as well as natural gas lights, torches, camp and bonfires. This definition includes a bulb, lamp, filament, or other manmade source that is covered by or contained within a translucent material or fixture.

    Specimen tree. The following species of trees with the minimum specified diameter at breast height are determined to be specimen trees in the county:

    Common Name    Botanical Name DBH
    Turkey Oak (Quercus leavis) 12 inches and larger
    Other Oak species (Quercus spp.) 18 inches and larger
    Maple (Acer spp.) 18 inches and larger
    Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) 18 inches and larger
    Hickory (Carya spp.) 18 inches and larger
    Elm (Ulmus spp.) 18 inches and larger
    Loblolly Bay (Gordonia lasianthus) 12 inches and larger
    Sweet Bay (Magnolia virginiana) 12 inches and larger
    Red Bay (Persea borbonia) 12 inches and larger
    Swamp Bay (Persea palustris) 12 inches and larger
    Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) 18 inches and larger
    Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) 12 inches and larger
    Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) 18 inches and larger
    Red Cedar (Juniperup silicicola) 12 inches and larger


    Spill means the release or escape of a hazardous substance, directly or indirectly, to soils, surface waters or groundwaters.

    Storage system means any one or combination of tanks, sumps, wet floors, waste treatment facilities, pipes, vaults or other portable or fixed containers used, or designed to be used, for the storage of hazardous substances at a facility.

    Structure means anything constructed, installed or portable, the use of which requires a location on a parcel of land, such as buildings, trailers, fences, billboards, swimming pools, poles, pipelines, transmission lines, advertising signs, a gas or liquid storage tank, seawall, bulkhead or revetment, or other manmade facilities or infrastructure.

    Subdivision means the division of a parcel or tract of land, whether improved or unimproved, into two or more lots or parcels of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of any kind of transfer of ownership or right to possession, or for any building development, including a condominium in which there is or is intended to be: (1) any division of any parcel or tract into units; or (2) any division of the airspace into units above or contiguous to any parcel or tract held in common, undivided ownership. If the establishment of a new street is involved, this term shall mean any division of any parcel or tract of land. The term "subdivision" includes a resubdivision and replatting and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided or any definitions employed by a municipality for the term "subdivision" used in its land use regulations.

    Substantial irrigation system modification means any modification to existing irrigation systems such that 50 percent or more of the irrigation system is impacted, replaced or altered.

    Tinted glass means any glass treated to achieve an industry-approved, inside-to-outside light transmittance value of 45 percent or less. Such transmittance is limited to the visible spectrum (400 to 700 nanometers) and is measured as the percentage of light that is transmitted through the glass.

    Toe means the lowest part of an embankment.

    Toe scour protection means the mechanisms, devices, or structures designed to prevent or minimize the removal of material by waves and currents at the base of a beach front structure.

    Tree means any woody, self-supporting plant characterized by having a single trunk of at least six inches DBH or multistem trunk system with well-developed crown at least 15 feet high as measured from its base, with the exception of those exempted trees listed in subsection 50-169(a)(6).

    Tree survey means a drawing prepared to a scale as may be determined by the local government, which provides the location, DBH and common name of specimen trees located on a given parcel of land intended for development. Said drawing shall show any improvement, structures or buildings proposed on the development. The tree survey need not encompass contiguous property of the applicant which is not to be included within the actual limits of the area subject to development consideration.

    Turfgrass means a mat layer of monocotyledonous plants such as Bahia, Bermuda, Centipede, Paspalum, St. Augustine and Zoysia.

    Unimproved path means a path cut through the existing dune system which permits pedestrian access to the coastal beaches.

    User means any person, natural or artificial individual, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, company, agent, employee or other legal entity, the United States of America, and the state, any political subdivision, region, district, municipality or public agency thereof, which directly or indirectly takes water from the water resource, including but not limited to, uses from private or public utility systems, uses whether or not under consumptive use permits issued pursuant to Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C., or uses from individual wells or pumps for domestic or individual home use or other use. The term does not include persons who use only treated effluent or seawater.

    Valve means a device used to control the flow of water in an irrigation system.

    Volusian Water Alliance or VWA means that regional water supply cooperative organization as created by the May 1996 interlocal agreement pursuant to the provisions of F.S. § 163.01 and as amended and restated.

    Walkover means a combination of ramps and stairs elevated over the dune system which link the beaches with public roads and rights-of-way.

    Walkway means improved path of either concrete or asphalt, which permits pedestrian access to the coastal beaches.

    Water conservation means a continuing effort to use only as much water as absolutely necessary, whether for drinking, washing, flushing, irrigating, or any other use. Water conservation is awareness that our water resources are not unlimited.

    Water detention structure and water management structure mean a facility which provides for storage of stormwater runoff and the control release of such runoff during and after a flood or storm.

    Water retention structure means a facility which provides for storage of stormwater runoff.

    Water shortage means that situation when insufficient water is available to meet the needs of the users, or when conditions are such as to require temporary reduction in total use within a particular area to protect water resources from serious harm. A water shortage usually occurs due to drought.

    Water shortage plan means the St. Johns River Water Management District's chapter 40C-21 F.S.C. Water Shortage Plan.

    Water wise irrigation means irrigation design, installation, and maintenance that incorporates water efficient strategies and components, such as pressure regulating heads, rain sensor devices, and BMPs.

    Water wise principles means appropriate planning and design, proper choice of plants, soil analysis that may include the use of solid waste compost, efficient irrigation, practical use of turf, appropriate use of mulches, and proper maintenance as set for the in F.S. § 373.185.

    Well means any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is for the location, acquisition, development or artificial recharge of groundwater; but such term does not include any well for the purpose of obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals or products of mining or quarrying, for inserting media to dispose of oil brines or to repressure oil-bearing or natural gas-bearing formations or for storing petroleum or natural gas or other products or for temporary dewatering of subsurface formations for mining, quarrying or construction purposes.

    Wellfield means an area of land which contains or is designated for future use for one or more potable water supply wells.

    Wellfield protection zone permit means that permit issued by the local government authorizing the activities provided in section 50-284.

    Wetlands shall be as defined in F.S. § 373.019.

(Ord. No. 88-15, § 100.06, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 88-38, § I, 12-1-88; Ord. No. 89-8, § 1, 7-6-89; Ord. No. 89-60, § I, 12-21-89; Ord. No. 90-7, § I, 3-22-90; Ord. No. 90-8, § I, 3-1-90; Ord. No. 90-9, § I, 3-1-90; Ord. No. 91-42, § I, 12-5-91; Ord. No. 95-18, § I, 5-18-95; Ord. No. 96-4, § I, 3-14-96; Ord. No. 98-12, § I, 7-23-98; Ord. No. 99-12, § I, 6-17-99; Ord. No. 00-34, § 1, 10-5-00; Ord. No. 00-35, § 1, 11-9-00; Ord. No. 2004-05, § I, 5-20-04; Ord. No. 2004-17, § I, 12-21-04; Ord. No. 2011-14, § I, 5-19-11)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.