§ 50-376. Permitting and fees.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Permitting process.


    Permit required. Prior to the installation, expansion, or substantial modification of an irrigation system, an owner/contractor or irrigation contractor shall obtain a valid permit from the permitting authority. A licensed contractor may obtain the permit if it is part of a building permit.


    Permit approval.


    Action shall be taken on any complete permit application within 30 days of complete submittal.


    Any permit issued may specify terms and conditions of approval.


    A valid permit must be properly displayed at the job site prior to commencement of work.


    A permit is valid for a period of six months from date of its issuance. The permitting authority may at its discretion extend this time limit for any reasonable period of time not to exceed an additional six months.


    Permit denial. The permitting authority shall notify an applicant of permit denial. Notice shall state the grounds for rejection.


    Suspension or revocation of permit. A permit may be suspended or revoked by the permitting authority if any irrigation system installation is found in violation of the permit, Florida law, Florida Administrative Code, this division, any applicable municipal ordinance or any of the following:


    Material misstatement or misrepresentation in the application for a permit;


    Failure to comply with the conditions set forth in the permit;


    Disregard or violation of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated by the council;


    Aiding and abetting another person in the violation of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated by the council pursuant hereto;


    Failure to pay the required permit fee; and/or


    Construction or installation of an irrigation system that would have deleterious effects on the quality of ground water supplies in the county.


    Self-certification .


    Contractors shall be accountable for proper installation and compliance through self-certification. The permitting authority shall conduct an adequate number of random inspections to ensure compliance of each contractor.


    An irrigation contractor or owner/contractor must submit a completed and endorsed checklist on a form provided by the permitting authority, accompanied by an as-built sketch of the irrigation system, to the permitting authority and the property owner within 30 days of irrigation system completion, permit expiration, or with any request for final inspection.


    Irrigation contractor certificates may be refused, suspended or revoked for any material misrepresentation of information in the as-built sketch.


    Certificate of occupancy. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until:


    A complete, self-certification checklist and as-built sketch have been submitted and accepted by the permitting authority; and


    The permitting authority has conducted any required final inspection.


    Fees . A fee schedule may be adopted to fund this program.


    Late permit fees or charges. If a permit fee is not paid within 30 days after notification, future permits will not be issued until all fees are paid.

(Ord. No. 2004-05, § II, 5-20-04)