§ 50-370. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The purpose and intent of this division is to promote water wise practices by establishing standards for the development, installation, and maintenance of landscape irrigation systems without inhibiting creative landscape design, construction and management.


    The water wise irrigation standards set forth herein are designed to conserve local water supplies and minimize adverse effects on Florida's natural systems.


    The quality of Florida's surface and ground water is adversely affected by irrigation runoff and leachate. Improper landscape irrigation design, construction, and management contributes to nonpoint source pollution that affects ground and surface water quality.


    This division establishes water wise landscape irrigation standards and encourages the use of Florida Friendly landscaping practices. Water wise landscape irrigation standards promote efficient water use, minimize polluted runoff, and utilize water conservation components and equipment. The Florida Friendly landscape concept is based on the principles of the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods (FYN) and Environmental Landscape Management (ELM) programs operated by the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, the Xeriscape programs of the state's water management districts, and practices identified in the Green Industries Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources in Florida (2002) , as amended.

(Ord. No. 2004-05, § II, 5-20-04)