§ 46-127. False alarms.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Burglar alarms. For a response by the sheriff's office to any false alarm, the sheriff shall charge and collect from the person having or maintaining such burglar alarm on premises owned or occupied by him, fees as follows:


    For a first and second response to premises at which no false alarm has occurred within the preceding six-month period, referred to in this subsection as a first response and second response respectively, no fee shall be charged; but the person having or maintaining such burglar alarm shall, within three working days after notice to do so, make a written report to the sheriff on forms prescribed by him setting forth the cause of such false alarm, the corrective action taken, whether such alarm has been inspected by an authorized serviceman, and such other information as the sheriff may reasonably require to determine the cause of such false alarm and the corrective action taken.


    For a third response to premises within six months after such second response, a fee of $50.00 shall be charged. If such third false alarm or any such succeeding false alarm is a result of failure to take necessary corrective action, the sheriff's office may notify the alarm user, in writing, that the sheriff's office will not respond to any further alarms at that location until written proof that the necessary corrective action has been taken is provided to the sheriff or his designee.


    In those instances where the alarm user is required by law to have a alarm system in operation, thereby prohibiting the disconnection for repeated failure to take necessary corrective action, the false alarm fee shall be $100.00 for each such false alarm in excess of two within the six-month period.


    Robbery alarms. The same procedures as outlined for burglar alarms shall apply to robbery alarms.


    Payment and disposition of fees. All fees due under the provisions of this article shall be paid directly to the county department of finance, and shall be credited to the sheriff's office budget.

(Ord. No. 78-1, § 6, 2-2-78; Ord. No. 91-47, § II, 12-19-91; Ord. No. 95-13, § II, 4-6-95)