§ 46-122. Disruption of telephone service due to installation, etc., prohibited; exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • Except for any alarm system installed, maintained, owned, possessed or operated prior to April 6, 1995, it shall be a violation of this section for any person to install, maintain, own, possess or operate any alarm system which interferes with, seizes or in any manner disrupts telephone service to or from the premises being serviced by the alarm system unless:


    There is an auxiliary or secondary dedicated phone line in service to and from the premises; or


    Written notice is provided to the alarm user, prior to the installation, which states that in the event the alarm user is utilizing the telephone at the time the alarm is activated, telephone service will be interrupted, disrupted and/or seized immediately upon the activation and transmittal of the alarm to the alarm base. The alarm company shall obtain and maintain a signed receipt of such notice, which specifies that the above-described notice has been given to the user and that the operation of the system, specifically the effect of an alarm activation on the telephone service, has been fully explained to the user.

(Ord. No. 95-13, § III, 4-6-95)

Editor's note

Section III of Ord. No. 95-13, adopted April 6, 1995, is amended as herein set out. Formerly, § 46-122 pertained to penalties and derived from § 8 of Ord. No. 78-1, adopted Feb. 2, 1978.