§ 46-97. COPCN by interlocal agreement for adjacent jurisdictions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    COPCN by agreement. To expedite the provision of emergency medical services within Volusia County to persons located at or near the geographic boundaries of Volusia County, the county may, by interlocal agreement and in lieu of those application procedures provided in section 46-92 of this article, issue a valid and active COPCN to an emergency medical provider for a county adjacent to Volusia County, incorporated within the agreement authorizing the provision of advanced life support transport and non-transport services within Volusia County, if the following conditions have been met:


    The provider is an agency of the adjacent county; i.e., owned, controlled, and operated by such adjacent county, for which that county has issued a COPCN.


    The provider submits to the County of Volusia copies of its current unsuspended, and unrevoked State of Florida advanced life support licensure issued pursuant to F.S. § 401.25, and each active and valid COPCN under which the provider is currently operating.


    The provider submits to the County of Volusia copies of its application to the State of Florida for its advanced life support licensure pursuant to F.S. § 401.25, and upon request of the county, any materials and documentation submitted in connection therewith.


    If the interlocal agreement contemplates that the County of Volusia will provide reciprocal advanced life support services for the adjacent county, then the adjacent county must offer a reciprocal COPCN via interlocal agreement to the County of Volusia under the same or substantially similar conditions.


    The provider has submitted to the County of Volusia proof of current insurance coverage as required for licensure pursuant to F.S. § 401.25.


    The provider maintains such records as may be required by applicable federal and state rules and regulations.


    The provider operates and agrees to continue operating in conformity with all applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances and all applicable rules and regulations, resolutions, or policies thereunder.


    The adjacent county and the County of Volusia execute a binding interlocal agreement for the provision of emergency medical services as contemplated in this section. Such agreement shall establish the terms and conditions of a COPCN issued pursuant to this section, shall incorporate the applicable requirements of this section by reference, and may contain such additional terms and conditions as the County of Volusia requires.


    Any municipality located within Volusia County may submit, for consideration by the county council, any written recommendations regarding an interlocal agreement proposed pursuant to this section to the county's emergency medical administration department prior to the time at which the county council will consider such agreement or to the county council at the meeting where such interlocal agreement is considered.


    Termination or suspension. The county may, at any time, terminate or otherwise suspend a COPCN issued by interlocal agreement pursuant to this section for any of the following reasons:


    The provider fails to maintain its COPCN with its native county as required by law, or the State of Florida suspends or revokes the provider's licensure issued pursuant to F.S. § 401.25.


    The provider fails to adhere to any of the compliance and recordkeeping provisions of subsection (a).


    The provider breaches any of its contractual obligations to the County of Volusia as established pursuant to the interlocal agreement pertaining to the provision of emergency medical transport services or such interlocal agreement is terminated for any reason.


    The provider fails to maintain adequate insurance coverage as required by subsection (a) of this section and F.S. ch. 401.


    The county determines that the provider's services in the County of Volusia are no longer necessary.

(Ord. No. 2012-18, § I, 10-4-12)