§ 42-36. District no. 3.  

Latest version.
  • The boundaries of county council district no. 3 shall be as follows:

    Beginning at the intersection of the Township line between Township 19 South and Township 20 South and the Low Water Line of the Atlantic Ocean; thence run West, along said South Township line, to its intersection with the Range line between Range 33 East and Range 34 East; thence South, along said Range line to its intersection with the Township line between Township 21 South and Township 22 South; thence West along said Township line to the thread of the St. Johns River; thence northwesterly, along the thread of said St. Johns River to its intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Iron Bend Trail, an easement for ingress and utilities described as Parcel VI, in Section 21, Township 19 South, Range 32 East, as recorded in Official Records Book 2029, Page 922 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence run northwesterly and westerly, along said prolongation and the centerline of said Iron Bend Trail to its intersection with the centerline of Cypress Isles Road, an 84.00 foot-wide easement for ingress and utilities, as described in aforementioned Official Records Book 2029, Page 922; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the North line of aforesaid Section 21; thence continue northerly and easterly, along the centerline of Cypress Isles Road, an 84.00 foot-wide easement for ingress and utilities, being described in Official Records Book 1945, Page 1131 to its intersection with the centerline of Guise Road (formerly known as Kalamazoo Road), said centerline being the East line of Section 16, Township 19 South, Range 32 East; thence run North, along said centerline and section line, to the Northeast corner of said Section 16, said corner also being the Southwest corner of Section 10, Township 19 South, Range 32 East; thence run North, along the West line of said Section 10 to its Northwest corner thereof; thence run East, along the North line of said Section 10 to its intersection with the thread of Deep Creek, a tributary of the St. Johns River; thence run northwesterly, along the thread of Deep Creek, through Section 3, Township 19 South, Range 32 East; thence continue northwesterly, along said thread, through Sections 34, 27 and a portion of Section 28, Township 18 South, Range 32 East to its intersection with the centerline of State Road 415; thence run southwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the East line of Section 31, Township 18 South, Range 32 East; thence run North, along said East line of Section 31 and continuing along the East line of Section 30, Township 18 South, Range 32 East to the Northeast corner of U.S. Lot 6, in said Section 30; thence run westerly, along the North line of said U.S. Lot 6 and continuing along the North line of U.S. Lots 5 and 4 to a point, said point being the Northeast corner of Block K, D.M. Jarvis' First Add. To Osteen, Florida as recorded in Map Book 7 Page 119 of said Public Records; thence run southerly, along said easterly line, and continuing southerly along the East line of Blocks G, H and I and the southerly projections thereof, to the Southeast corner of Block I, of said Plat; thence run westerly, along the southerly line of said Block I to the West line of said Section 30; thence run northerly, along the said West line to the Northwest corner thereof; said point also being the Southwest corner of Section 19, Township 18 South, Range 32 East; thence run northerly, along the West line of said Section 19 to the Northwest corner thereof; said Point also being the Southeast corner of Section 13, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run westerly along the southerly line of said Section 13 to the Southwest corner of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter); thence run northerly, along the West line of said Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) and continuing northerly, along the West line of Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) to the Northwest corner of said Northeast ¼ (one-quarter); said point also being the Southwest corner of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 12, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run northerly, along the West line of said Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) and the West line of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) to the northerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 5416 Page 2699 of said Public Records; thence run easterly, along said North line a distance of 714 feet; thence run southeasterly 258.89 feet to the northwesterly corner of lands described in Official Records Book 5123 Page 3801 of said Public Records; thence run southeasterly along the North line of said lands, to a point; said point being on a line that is 1,245 feet westerly of and parallel with the East line of said Section 12; thence run northerly, along said line, to Southeast corner of the land described in Official Records Book 3340 Page 169 of said Public Records; thence run westerly, along the South line thereof, a distance of 677.3 feet to a point on the easterly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 5859, Page 125 of aforesaid Public Records; thence run southerly, along said East line, a distance of 157 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence run westerly, along the South line of said lands, returning to the aforesaid West line of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter); thence run northerly, along said West line, to the North line of said Section 12; thence run westerly, along said North line to the Northwest corner of said Section 12, said point also being the Southeast corner of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run northerly, along the East line of said Section 2 to the Northeast corner of Government Lot 8, said Section 2; thence run westerly, along the northerly line of said Lots 8, 7, 6 and 5 said Section 2, to the East line of Government Lot 8, Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run westerly, along the North line of said Government Lot 8 and continuing along the North line of Government Lots 7, 6 and 5 to the West line of said Section 3; thence run North, along said West line, to the Northwest corner of said Section 3, said corner being on the line that separates Townships 17 and 18 South; thence run easterly, along said township line, to the Southwest corner the East ½ (half) of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run North, along the West line of said East ½ (half) a distance of 240.00 feet to the Southwest corner of the lands described in Official Records Book 5200 Page 1854 of aforesaid Public Records; thence run easterly, along the South line of said lands, 500.00 feet; thence South 75.00 feet; thence East 848.62 feet to a point on the East line of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Southeast ¼ (one-quarter); thence run North, along said East line a distance of 416.70 feet to a point on the North line of the South 581.70 feet of said East ½ (half); thence run westerly, along said North line, to its intersection with the West line of the East ½ (half) of aforesaid Section 32; thence run North, along said West line, to the Northwest corner thereof, said corner also being the Southwest corner of the East ½ (half) of Section 29, Township 17 South, Range 32 East; thence run North, along the West line of said East ½ (half), to the North line of said Section 29; thence run West, along the North line of Section 29, to its intersection with the centerline of Prevatt Avenue; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of State Road 44; thence run westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Grimm Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Service Road; thence run easterly, along the said centerline, to its intersection with the southerly projection of the West line of the East 549.12 feet of the South 7/8 (seven-eighths) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 18, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run northerly, along said southerly projection and the said West line of the East 549.12 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence run easterly, along the North line of said East 549.12 feet to a point on the East line of West ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 18; thence run North along said East line, and continuing along the East line of the West ½ (half) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 18 to the Northeast corner thereof, said point being the Southeast corner of West ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 7, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run North along the East line of said West ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) to the North line of said Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 7; thence run West, along said North line, to the West quarter corner of said Section 7; thence run North, along said West line, to its intersection with the centerline of Larkspur Road; thence run westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Ridge Boulevard; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Lake Ruby Road; thence run westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Kepler Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the westerly projection of the southerly line of Lot 54 Blue Lake Celery Company according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Map Book 14 Pages 24 through 27 of said Public Records; thence run easterly, along said westerly projection, and along the southerly line of Lots 54 and 53 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 53; thence run northerly, along the East line of said Lot 53, to its intersection with the shoreline of Cypress Lake; thence run northwesterly, along said shoreline to a point, said point being an easterly projection of the southerly line of lands described in Official Records Book 4195 Page 2677 of said Public Records, thence run westerly, along said projection and said southerly line, and a westerly projection thereof to its intersection with the centerline of said Kepler Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the westerly projection of the South line of Lot 47, Block 36 of Deltona according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Map Book 10 Pages 113 through 115 of said Public Records; thence run easterly, along said projection and the South line of Lots 47 and 14 and an easterly projection of Lot 14 to the intersection with the centerline of Calle' Del Narauja; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of San Antonio Street; thence run westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of aforementioned Kepler Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of International Speedway Boulevard (U.S. #92); thence run northeasterly, along said centerline of International Speedway Boulevard to its intersection with the Range line between Range 31 East and Range 32 East; thence run South, along said Range line, to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway #4 (State Road #400); thence run northeasterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Tomoka Farms Road; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Taylor Road; thence run northeasterly, along, said centerline, to its intersection with centerline of Interstate 95 (State Highway #9) said intersection also being the intersection of Dunlawton Avenue and said Interstate 95; thence run northeasterly, along the centerline of said Dunlawton Avenue, to its intersection with the centerline of Nova Road (State Road 5A); thence run southeasterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with a line that is 165.00 feet East of and parallel with the centerline of the Florida East Coast Railroad, said line also being along a portion of Knox Drive; thence run North, along said line, to its intersection with the South line of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 33 East; thence run East, along said South line, to the Southeast corner of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Northwest ¼ (one-quarter), said corner being the Southwest corner of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 15; thence run East, along the South line of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) to its intersection with the centerline of Orange Avenue as shown on the plat of Commonwealth Mobile Estates, First Addition as recorded in Map Book 29, Page 47 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence run North, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Niver Street, of said plat; thence run East, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Pineland Avenue as shown on the plat of Commonwealth Mobile Estates as recorded in Map Book 26, Page 111 of aforesaid Public Records; thence run North, along said centerline, thorough said Commonwealth Mobile Estates and continuing through a portion of Allandale as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 146 of aforesaid Public Records, to its intersection with the centerline of Commonwealth Boulevard; thence run easterly, along said centerline and its easterly projection thereof, to its intersection with the westerly shoreline of the Halifax River; thence run South, along said shoreline, to its intersection with the northerly line of the O. & F. Palmas Grant (Section 38, Township 16 South, Range 33 East) as recorded in Map Book 1, Page 23 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence continue southerly, along said shoreline and the easterly line of Block 25 of said Map of Palmas Grant; thence westerly along the South line of said Block 25 and Block 24 of said Map of Palmas Grant to its intersection with the centerline of State Road #5 (U.S. Highway #1); thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the Northerly line of Block 3 of aforesaid Map of Palmas Grant; thence run southeasterly along the northerly and easterly line of said Block 3 and the easterly boundary of Block B of said Palmas Grant and along the easterly line of Block 1 of said Palmas Grant to its intersection with the southerly line of said Palmas Grant; thence run westerly, along said South line, to its intersection with the centerline of aforementioned State Road #5 (U.S. Highway #1); thence run southeasterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the South line of Section 25, Township 16 South, Range 33 East; thence run East, along said South line, to its intersection with the westerly shoreline of the Halifax River; thence run southerly, along said shoreline, to its intersection with the Southerly line of said U.S. Lot 2, Section 36, Township 16 South; Range 33 East; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of U.S. Lot 2, and continuing East along the Easterly prolongation of the South line of said Lot 2 to its intersection with the confluence of the Halifax River, the Ponce de Leon Inlet and the United States Government Main Channel of the Indian River North; thence along the centerline of the Ponce de Leon Inlet Easterly to an intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the low water line of the Atlantic Ocean; thence Southeasterly along said low water line of the Atlantic Ocean to the intersection of the Township line between Township 19 South and Township 20 South and the Point of Beginning of this description.

(Ord. No. 91-36, § 3, 12-12-91; Ord. No. 01-26, § 6, 9-20-01; Ord. No. 2011-26, § V, 9-30-11)