§ 42-35. District no. 2.  

Latest version.
  • The boundaries of county council district no. 2 shall be as follows:

    Commence at the intersection of the North line of Section 32, Township 12 South, Range 32 East, Volusia County, Florida and the Low Water Line of the Atlantic Ocean, said point being on the Northerly Boundary of Volusia County as described in Chapter 7.64, Florida State Statutes; thence run southerly, along said Low Water Line, approximately 11.82 miles, more or less, to its intersection with the easterly projection of the northerly line of Block 16, Replat of Ortona Park, Section Two as recorded in Map Book 23, Page 226 of the Public records of Volusia County, Florida and the Point of Beginning of this description: thence continue southerly, along said Low Water Line, to the centerline of Ponce de Leon Inlet and the northerly corporate limits of the City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida; thence run westerly along the centerline of said Ponce de Leon Inlet and its intersection with the confluence of the Halifax River, the United States Government Main Channel of the Indian River North, and the easterly prolongation of the South line of U.S. Lot 2, Section 36, Township 16 South; Range 33 East; thence run westerly, along said prolongation and along the South line of said U.S. Lot 2, to the intersection with the westerly shoreline of the Halifax River; thence run northerly, along said shoreline, to its intersection with the South line of Section 25, Township 16 South, Range 33 East; thence run West, along said South line, to its intersection with the centerline of State Road #5 (U.S. Highway #1); thence run northwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the southerly line of the O. & F. Palmas Grant (Section 38, Township 16 South, Range 33 East) as recorded in Map Block 1, Page 23 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence run easterly along the southerly line of said Palmas Grant to the Southeasterly corner of Block 1 of said Palmas Grant; thence run northwesterly along the easterly line of said Block 1 and the easterly boundary of Block B of said Palmas Grant and along the easterly and northerly line of Block 3, of said Palmas Grant to its intersection with the centerline of aforementioned State Road 5; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the southerly line of Block 24 of aforesaid O. & F. Palmas Grant; thence run easterly along the South line of said Block 24 and continuing along the southerly and easterly line of Block 25 of said O. & F. Palmas Grant, said easterly line being the westerly shoreline of the Halifax River, to the northerly line thereof; thence continue northerly, along said westerly shoreline, to its intersection with the easterly projection of the centerline of Commonwealth Boulevard as shown on the Map of Allendale as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 146 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence run westerly, along said projection and said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Pineland Avenue, per said plat; thence run South, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Niver Street as shown on the map of Commonwealth Mobile Estates as recorded in Map Book 26, Page 111 of aforesaid Public Records; thence run westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Orange Avenue as shown on the plat of Commonwealth Mobile Estates, First Addition as recorded in Map Book 29, Page 47 of aforesaid Public Records; thence run South, along said centerline, to its intersection with the South line of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 15, Township 16 South, Range 33 East; thence run West, along said South line, to the Southwest corner of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Northeast ¼ (one-quarter), said corner being the Southeast corner of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 15; thence run West, along the South line of the Northeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) to its intersection with a line that is 165.00 feet East of and parallel with the centerline of the Florida East Coast Railroad, said line also being a northerly projection of a portion of Knox Drive; thence run South, along said line, to its intersection with the centerline of Nova Road (State Road 5A); thence run northwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Dunlawton Avenue (State Road #421); thence run southwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate 95 (State Highway #9) said intersection also being the intersection of Taylor Road and said Interstate 95; thence run southwesterly, along the centerline of said Taylor Road to its intersection with the centerline of Tomoka Farms Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway #4 (State Road #400); thence run northeasterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate Highway #95 (State Road #9); thence run North, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Bellevue Avenue; thence run easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with Clyde Morris Boulevard; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Mason Avenue (State Road #430); thence run easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Essex Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Brentwood Drive; thence run easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Nova Road (State Road #5A); thence run northerly, along said centerline, to a point on a line that is on the westerly prolongation of a line midway between Brentwood Drive (formerly known as Forest Avenue) and Third Street (formerly known as Wisconsin Avenue) as shown on map of said Mason and Carswells map of Holly Hill as recorded in Map Book 2, Page 90 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence northeasterly along said line midway between said Brentwood Drive and Third Street to its intersection with the westerly line of the Florida East Coast Railway right-of-way; thence southeasterly, along said westerly line, to the aforementioned centerline of Mason Avenue (State Road #430); thence run easterly, along said centerline, to the intersection with the westerly Right-of-way line of North Beach Street (formerly known as the Old Dixie Highway or Ormond Beach Road); thence run northerly, along said Right-of-way line, to its intersection with southerly Right-of-way line of Second Street as shown on map of aforesaid Mason and Carswells map; thence run easterly, along said Right-of-way line and the easterly prolongation thereof to its intersection with the main channel of the Halifax River; thence run northerly, along said river channel, to its intersection with the westerly projection of the North line of Ortona Park, Section 3 as recorded in Map Book 23, Page 233 of aforesaid Public Records of Volusia County; thence run easterly, along said westerly projection and along the North line of Ortona Park, Section 3 to the Northwesterly corner of Block 8 of said Ortona Park, Section 3; thence run southerly, along the westerly line of said Block 8 and continuing along the westerly line of Block 7 of said Ortona Park, Section 3 to the southwesterly corner of said Block 7; thence run easterly, along the southerly line of said Block 7 to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence run northerly, along the easterly line of said Block 7 and continuing along the easterly line of aforesaid Block 8 to its intersection with the aforementioned North line of Ortona Park, Section 3; thence run easterly, along said North line, to its intersection with the easterly Right-of-way line of Atlantic Avenue (State Road A-1-A); thence run northerly, along said Right-of-way line, to its intersection with the northerly line of Block 16, Replat of Ortona Park, Section 2 as recorded in aforementioned Public Records of Volusia County; thence run easterly, along said northerly line and its easterly projection to its intersection with the Low Water Line of the Atlantic Ocean and the Point of Beginning of this description.

(Ord. No. 91-36, § 3, 12-12-91; Ord. No. 01-26, § 5, 9-20-01; Ord. No. 2011-26, § IV, 9-30-11)