§ 42-34. District no. 1.  

Latest version.
  • The boundaries of county council district no. 1 shall be as follows:

    BEGIN at the intersection of the centerline of State Road 11 and the North line of Section 25, Township 14 South, Range 29 East, Volusia County, Florida, said point also being on the North boundary line of aforementioned Volusia County; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Daugharty Road; thence continue southerly, along said centerline of State Road 11, to its second intersection with the centerline of aforesaid Daugharty Road; thence run northeasterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Marsh Road; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the North Line of the South ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 26, Township 16 South, Range 30 East; thence run East, along said North line, to the intersection with Little Haw Creek; thence run southwesterly, along said Creek, to its intersection with the aforementioned centerline of Marsh Road; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to the intersection of a westerly projection of a line that is 250.00 feet South of and parallel with the South line of Old DeLand-Daytona Brick Road, said line being the northerly line of Parcel 5 as described in Official Records Book 4027 Page 246 of the Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence northeasterly, along said North line, to its intersection with the East line of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 35, Township 16 South, Range 30 East, Volusia County, Florida; thence run southerly, along said East line, to the Southeast corner of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 35; thence southerly, along the East line of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 35, to its intersection with the centerline of U.S. #92 (International Speedway Blvd); thence easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Kepler Road; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to the its intersection with the centerline of San Antonio Street; thence easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Calle' Del Narauja; thence southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with an easterly projection of the South line of Lot 14 Block 36, Deltona, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Map Book 10 Pages 113 through 115 of the aforesaid Public Records of Volusia County, Florida; thence westerly, along said easterly projection and the southerly line of Lots 14 and 47, Block 36 of said Plat and a westerly projection thereof to its intersection with aforesaid centerline of Kepler Road; thence southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the westerly projection of the southerly line of the lands described in Official Records Book 4195 Page 2677 of said Public Records; thence easterly, along said westerly projection, and said southerly line, and an easterly projection of said southerly line to the shoreline of Cypress Lake; thence southerly, along said shore line to a point on the easterly line of Lot 53 Blue Lake Celery Company according to Plat thereof as Recorded in Map Book 14 Page 24 through 27 of the Public Records of said Volusia County, Florida; thence southerly, along said easterly line, to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly, along the southerly lines of Lots 53 and 54 and a westerly projection thereof returning to aforesaid centerline of Kepler Road; thence southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Lake Ruby Road; thence run easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Ridge Boulevard; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Larkspur Road; thence easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the West line of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 7, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run South, along said West line, to the Southwest corner thereof; thence run East, along the South line of said Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) to the Northeast corner of the West ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 7; thence run South, along the East line of said West ½ (half), to the Southeast corner thereof, said point being the Northeast corner of the West ½ (half) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of Section 18, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run South, along the East line of said West ½ (half) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) and continuing along the East line of the West ½ (half) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) to the Northeast corner of the East 549.12 feet of the South 7/8 (seven-eighths) of the Northwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 18; thence run westerly, to Northwest corner thereof; thence southerly, along the West line of said East 549.12 feet and a southerly projection of said line, to its intersection with the centerline of Service Road; thence westerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Grimm Lane; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of State Road #44 (East New York Ave); thence run easterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Prevatt Avenue; thence run southerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the North line of Section 29, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run East, along said North line, to the Northeast corner of the West ½ (half) of said Section 29; thence run South, along the East line of said West ½ (half) to the Southwest corner thereof, said corner also being the Northwest corner of the East ½ (half) of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 31 East; thence run South, along the West line of said East ½ (half) to the Northwest corner of the lands described in Official Records Book 5200 Page 1854 of aforesaid Public Records, said corner being on the North line of the South 581.7 feet of the Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Section 32; thence, following the boundary of said described lands, run East, along said North line to the East line of said Southwest ¼ (one-quarter) of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter); thence run South along said East line a distance of 416.7 feet; thence run West a distance of 848.62 feet; thence run North a distance of 75 feet; thence West, to the Southwest corner of said described lands and the West line of aforementioned East ½ (half) of Section 32; thence run South, along said West line, 240.00 feet to the Southwest corner of said East ½ (half) of Section 32, said corner being on the township line that separates Townships 17 and 18 South; thence run westerly, along said township line, to the Northwest corner of Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run South, along the West line of said Section 3, to the Northwest corner of Government Lot 5, of said Section 3; thence run East, along the North line of said Government Lot 5 and continuing along the North line of Government Lots 6, 7 and 8, to the East line of Government Lot 8, Section 3, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run southerly, along said East line to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly, along the South line of said Government Lot 8 to the West line thereof; thence run northerly, along said West line to the Northwest corner of the South ½ (half) of said Lot 8, said point also being the Northeast corner of the South ½ (half) of Government Lot 7, said Section 3; thence run westerly, along the North line of said South ½ (half) to the East line of Government Lot 6, said Section 3; thence run southerly, along said East line, to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly, along the South line of said Lot 6 to the Southwest corner of the South ½ (half) of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Lot 6; thence run northerly, along the West line of said South ½ (half) of the Southeast ¼ (one-quarter) of said Lot 6 a distance of 25 feet; thence run westerly, along a line that is 25 feet northerly of and parallel with the South line of said Government Lot 6 to the West line thereof; thence run northerly, along said West line, to the Northwest corner of the South ½ (half) of said Lot 6; thence run westerly, along the North line of the South ½ (half) of Government Lot 5 of said Section 3, to the easterly boundary of A Replat of Tract A Deltona Lakes Unit 35 according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in map Book 28 Page 23 of said Public Records; thence run northerly, along said easterly boundary, to the Northeast corner thereof; thence run westerly, along the North boundary of said Plat, to the East line of Section 4, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run southerly, along said East line, to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run westerly along the South line of said Section 4, to the Southeast corner of Government Lot 12 in said Section 4; thence run northerly along the East line of said Lot 12, to the Northeast corner of the South ½ (half) of said Lot 12: thence run westerly, along the North line of said South ½ (half) to the Northwest corner thereof; thence continue westerly to a northerly projection of the westerly right-of-way line of Boyer Street with the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of Wisconsin Avenue as shown on the Plat of Davis Park Sixth Addition to Orange City as recorded in Map Book 7 Page 25 of said Public Records; thence run southerly, along said projection and westerly right-of-way line, to the South line of Government Lot 9, Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run westerly, along said South line, to the East line of Government Lot 10 said Section 5; thence run northerly, to the Northeast corner of the South ½ (half) of said Lot 10; thence run westerly along the North line of said South ½ (half) to the East line of Government Lot 11 said Section 5; thence run northerly, along the said East line of Lot 11 and the East line of Government Lot 6, to a point that is 590.32 feet southerly of the Northeast corner of the South ½ (half) of said Lot 6; thence westerly, parallel with, the North line of the South ½ (half) said Lot 6 a distance of 590.32 feet; thence North and parallel with, the said East line Government Lot 6 a distance of 590.32 feet; thence run westerly to the East line of Government Lot 5 said Section 5; thence run northerly along said East line, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 5; thence westerly, along the North line of said Lot 5 to the Northwest corner thereof and the East line of Section 6, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run southerly, along said East line to the Northeast corner of the South ½ (half) of Government Lot 8, Section 6, Township 18 South, Range 31 East; thence run westerly, along the North line of said South ½ (half) and continuing along the North line of the South ½ (half) of Government Lot 7 to its intersection with the westerly limited access Right-of-Way line of Interstate #4 according to the State Road Department of Florida Maps of State Roads in Volusia County Book 2, pages 241 through 259 (Section No. 7716-401 and 7911-401 Road No. 400); thence run southwesterly, along said Right-of-Way line to its intersection with the centerline of Gardenia Avenue as shown on the plat of Plantation Estates, Unit 25 as recorded in Map Book 23, Page 91 of the Public records of Volusia County, Florida; thence run southwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Highland Avenue; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Columba Road; thence run northwesterly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Amigos Road; thence run northerly, along said centerline, to its intersection with the centerline of Highbanks Road; thence run westerly, along said centerline, and a westerly projection thereof to its intersection with the thread of the St. Johns River; thence North, along the thread of said St. Johns River, what is known as "Old River", and running on the South and West sides of what is known on the maps of public surveys as "Huntoon's Island" and on the South and West shores of Lake George to the mouth of Sulphur Springs (now Salt Springs Run); thence Northeasterly in a direct line, across Lake George to a point where the Southerly boundary of the Domingo Acosta Grant, also known as Section 38, Township 13 South, Range 27 East (said Acosta Grant lying and being in Putnam County) intersects the Easterly shore of Lake George, said point being South 65° West a distance of 32 chains from the Southeasterly corner of said Acosta Grant, according to United States Government survey of Township 13 South, Range 27 East; run thence North 75°15' East to a point in the shore of Crescent Lake (see map of boundary line dividing Putnam and Volusia Counties recorded in Map Book 5, Page 87, Volusia County, Florida); thence along the Southeasterly shore of said Crescent Lake to the North bank of Haw Creek; thence Easterly along the North bank of said Haw Creek to the Range line between Range 28 East and Range 29 East; thence South, along said Range line to the Northwest corner of Section 30, Township 14 South, Range 29 East; thence East, along the North lines of Sections 30, 29, 28, 27, 26 and 25, Township 14 South, Range 29 East, to the point of intersection with the centerline of State Road 11 and the POINT OF BEGINNING.

(Ord. No. 91-36, § 3, 12-12-91; Ord. No. 01-26, § 4, 9-20-01; Ord. No. 2011-26, § III, 9-30-11)