§ 30-85. Response to customer complaints; investigation of complaints by county.  

Latest version.
  • All complaints against a grantee relating to its performance, including but not limited to those concerning quality of service, equipment malfunction, and billing disputes, shall be received at the cable office. A grantee shall endeavor to respond and satisfy any complaints within 24 hours of receipt. A grantee shall deliver monthly to the county manager, or other county official duly designated by the county manager, any complaints which have not been satisfied by a grantee within a 48-hour period. The county shall have the authority to investigate complaints of subscribers and nonsubscribers and in the event that such complaints, after investigation, are determined to be well founded, the county council may conduct a public hearing in regard to the same upon at least 30 days' notice to the grantee and the public. In the event that such complaints are found to be in violation of this chapter, after public hearing, the county council may fine the grantee or suspend or revoke the franchise. The grantee shall maintain a complete file of all written complaints made during the immediately preceding two years. Attached to each complaint shall be an appropriate written document showing the disposition or satisfaction thereof. This file is subject to review by the county. The county manager may establish procedures for the speedy resolution of such complaints.

(Ord. No. 88-10, § 17, 5-19-88; Ord. No. 94-10, § VI, 6-9-94)