§ 2-91. County manager.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The county council shall appoint a county manager who shall serve at the pleasure of the county council. The county manager shall be head of the administrative branch of county government, shall serve as clerk to the council, and shall be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the county.


    Except as otherwise provided by state law or the Charter, the county manager shall recommend policies and procedures for council consideration and provide overall administration and control of county administrative departments and divisions operations in order to maintain the maximum level of effectiveness of services to the citizens. The county manager may participate in the deliberations of the county council but shall have no vote in the decisions of the council.


    The county manager may issue rules or administrative regulations not inconsistent with state law, the Charter or ordinances of the county, outlining the general procedures for the administration of county activities under the county manager's jurisdiction.

    (d) The deputy county managers, chief financial officer, department directors, deputy directors, division directors, and other administrative units of the Charter government shall be responsible to the county manager, except as specifically provided otherwise by state law or the Charter.


    The county manager prepares, implements and administers the annual budget. The county manager may designate a budget officer who shall be responsible for preparation of the budget call, compilation and review of all budget requests, and coordination of preparation of the budget document.

(Ord. No. 94-7, § VI, 4-14-94; Ord. No. 98-14, § III, 8-6-98; Ord. No. 01-19, § 2, 8-2-01; Ord. No. 2007-03, § II, 2-22-07)

Charter reference

County manager, art. IV.