§ 26-36. Security requirements.  

Latest version.
  • All late-night businesses, stores or operations shall comply with the following conditions of operation:


    A clear and unobstructed view shall be provided from the street or parking lot abutting the late-night business, store or operation, through existing windows, to each cash register area and to each area where retail sales occur or in which cash is otherwise exchanged. In the case of self-service petroleum dispensing and sales facilities, a clear and unobstructed view shall be maintained from the sales attendant to the fuel dispensing equipment being utilized by a customer.


    The cash register or drawer shall have no more than $100.00 (exclusive of bait money), available and readily accessible to the employees. Conspicuous signs in both English and Spanish shall be posted stating that the cash register or drawer has no more than $50.00 cash available and readily accessible to the employee.


    A drop-safe or time release safe weighing at least 500 pounds, or a safe which is bolted to the floor or installed in the floor, shall be maintained at the late-night business, store or operation. Each safe shall have a sign conspicuously located on it which clearly states in both English and Spanish that no employee on the premises of the late-night business, store or operation has the ability to access or otherwise gain entry into the safe.


    Each parking lot utilized by employees or customers of the late-night business, store or operation over which the owner maintains ownership or control is to be lighted in such a way as to provide visibility during all hours of darkness when employees or customers are present and when such employees or customers are reasonably likely to be present on the premises. Minimum requirements under this subsection shall be two footcandles per square foot for all parking areas, with a uniformity ratio (average to minimum) of four to one. The level of lighting shall be measured at a point 20 inches above the surface of the parking lot.


    A telephone shall be located in the sales area, within easy access of the sales clerk of the late-night business, store or operation.


    A concealed 35 mm film security camera or a security camera of a type and number approved by the county department of public safety (sheriff), shall be provided in each late-night business, store or operation and shall be in operation during all business hours. Said security camera shall be capable of producing a clear and retrievable image on film or tape that can be made a permanent record and that can be enlarged through projection or other means. Cameras meeting the requirements of this subsection and the equipment associated with said cameras shall be maintained in proper working order at all times by the owner of the late-night business, store or operation, and shall be subject to periodic inspection by the department of public safety. In the event of a crime occurring at a late-night business, store or operation, the sheriff's department, or appropriate police department, shall be contacted and be responsible for retrieval, care and custody of the security camera film. A height measuring device shall be placed either on the door of the business, store or operation, or at any convenient place at which it can be easily seen by the employees, for purposes of describing the criminal suspect.


    All owners, managers and employees who work at a late-night business, store or operation shall, within 30 days after the start of employment, complete a comprehensive course of instruction relating to robbery prevention and to sound safety practices in the event of a robbery. The course shall be certified and approved by the department of public safety or its designees. The county and the department of public safety assume no liability for the contents of said course or for the methodology used in teaching said course or for any injuries or damages resulting therefrom. The purpose of this provision and other provisions of this article is to promote the safety of employees of late-night businesses, stores or operations; and the provisions of this article are not intended, nor shall they be deemed, to vest any person with any law enforcement powers or any governmental powers.

(Ord. No. 90-25, § VI, 7-5-90)