§ 20-145. Permits for special events.  

Latest version.
  • A special event may be permitted by the beach director if the special event facilitates the recreational use of the beach in accordance with the philosophy set forth in section 20-4. Such a permit shall according to its terms constitute a temporary waiver of one or more provisions of this chapter. An application for such a special event shall be filed with the beach director containing pertinent information such as time, date, place and nature of the event, crowd size, commercial sponsorships and any other information reasonably required by the beach director. No permit shall be issued by the beach director for waiver of any provision of this chapter and unless he shall be reasonably satisfied that the public health, safety or welfare will not be endangered thereby; the permit is consistent with and will facilitate the customary recreational uses of the beach; the use of the permit will not constitute an undue intrusion upon established residential neighborhoods adjacent to the beach; and the permit conforms to any plan for zones of use then in effect. After the beach director is satisfied that the application is complete, a copy of the application will be delivered to any municipality that is affected by the proposed special event for its review and comment, including whether or not it will provide any services that may be needed by the special event. Such comments as the municipality shall desire to make shall be provided within two weeks. Upon conclusion of the period for comment, the beach director shall grant or deny the permit. If the permit is granted the beach director shall issue the permit with all conditions included therein. Conditions shall include payment of on-beach costs, and off-beach costs directly attributable to such event, insurance and any other reasonable conditions. The beach director will then transmit the permit to the municipality and the applicant. No permit shall be issued waiving the provisions of this article concerning alcoholic beverages or temporary closure of a portion of the beach to vehicular traffic unless the beach director obtains approval from the county council. The determination of the beach director will be final unless the applicant or municipality appeals the same to the county council, in which event the county council shall review the decision of the beach director and make a final determination thereof.

(Ord. No. 87-36, § 5.03, 11-16-87; Ord. No. 97-2, § I, 2-6-97)