§ 14-59. Humane care.

Latest version.
  • Prohibition. It shall be unlawful and a civil infraction for any person owning or responsible for caring for, confining or impounding an animal to fail to provide the animal with proper shelter, protection from the weather or humanely clean conditions as prescribed in this section.


    Indoor standards. The following standards shall apply to the sheltering of animals within a fully enclosed structure:


    The ambient temperature shall be maintained in a range that ensures that the animal will not suffer from heat stress (heat stroke or hyperthermia), nor from cold stress (frost bite or hypothermia).


    Indoor housing facilities shall be adequately ventilated by natural or mechanical means to provide clear and fresh air to the animal.


    Outdoor standards. The following standards shall apply to the sheltering of animals outdoors or within a structure which is not fully enclosed:


    Animals shall have sufficient shelter for refuge and protection from the elements and sufficient shade by natural or artificial means to protect the animal from direct sunlight.


    An outdoor housing facility shall be provided that is an artificial structure with at least three sides, a bottom and a roof. The structure shall provide refuge and protection from the elements, be of sufficient size to allow the animals to sit, stand and lie in a normal manner and turn about freely and must allow for an exchange of fresh air.


    Food and water. No animal shall be deprived of sufficient good and wholesome food and fresh water. Provisions shall be made available and refreshed daily, be suitable for the species and age of the animal and maintain a reasonable level of nutrition. Water shall be made available to the animal at all times.


    Medical care. No animal shall suffer from the following untreated conditions: Open sores, lacerations, broken or dislocated bones, eye injury or infection, abnormally low body weight, nasal discharge caused by infection, poisoning, animal bites or life threatening trauma or injury. Proof that the animal is under medical supervision shall be a defense under this subsection.

(Ord. No. 2009-35, § V, 11-19-09)