§ 14-42. Vaccination of ferrets, dogs and cats.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Required. Every owner of any adult ferret, dog or cat within the county shall have such ferret, cat or dog vaccinated against rabies in compliance with F.S. § 828.30, as amended, by a licensed veterinarian of his choice. Evidence of such vaccination shall consist of a current certificate issued and signed by the veterinarian administering the vaccine, or other reasonable proof. However, except as it may be otherwise required by F.S. § 828.30, as amended, no ferret, dog or cat need be vaccinated where:


    A licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and certified that, at such time, vaccination would endanger its health because of its age, infirmity, debility, illness or other medical consideration; and


    Such exception certificate is presented to the animal control officer within five days of such examination. However, the animal shall be vaccinated against rabies as soon as its health and age permit. Unvaccinated animals must be confined to the owner's property or a veterinary facility.

    The cost of the rabies vaccination shall be borne by the owner of the animal.


    Certificate of vaccination. Upon vaccination, the veterinarian administering the vaccine shall execute, deliver to the animal control officer and furnish to the owner of the animal, as evidence thereof, a rabies vaccination certificate in the form required by F.S. § 828.30, as amended.


    Penalty. Any person found in violation of this section is subject to the penalties prescribed in section 14-32.

(Ord. No. 91-33, § IV, 10-10-91; Ord. No. 93-25, § IV, 11-4-93; Ord. No. 2006-09, § I, 4-27-06)