§ 14-36. Animal control board.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Established. There is hereby established a county animal control board.


    Orientation. The county council or county staff will conduct a board orientation in the first quarter of the year in which appointments are to be made. The orientation will acquaint board members with parliamentary procedure, sunshine law, public records law, and county staff that will be assigned to the Volusia County Animal Control Board.


    Membership; term of office. The composition, appointment and term of members of the board shall be as follows:


    The animal control board shall consist of nine members and include, whenever possible, a licensed veterinarian, a humane society representative, a cat owner, a member of a kennel club, a hunter, a county citizen from an unincorporated residential area, an owner of livestock, a county citizen from an unincorporated agricultural area and a county citizen from any unincorporated area with an expressed interest in animal issues. All members shall be electors of Volusia County.


    All members of the animal control board shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the county council. Any member of the board may be removed from office without cause by the county council. The chairman of the board shall be elected annually from among the appointed members of the board.


    Terms of the animal control board shall be for two years. However, the term of each member previously appointed to a two-year pursuant to this section shall continue automatically, but said term shall expire March 31, 2001. Any member whose term expires before March 31, 2001, is hereby reappointed to serve until March 31, 2001. The county council shall appoint each board member, upon the nomination of a council member. Each district council member and the at-large member shall make one nomination of an elector from within the county. The county chair shall make two nominations of an elector from within the county.


    No elected official, member of two or more other county boards or commissions, or employee of county government shall be appointed to serve on the board. If any member fails to attend two meetings in any calendar year, regardless of the reason, the member's seat shall be deemed vacant.


    A board vacancy shall be filled upon nomination by the county council member who made the nomination to the vacated position or the successor to that council member.


    Functions. The functions of the animal control board shall be as follows:


    Meet at least quarterly, but no more than six times annually, unless otherwise needed.


    Recommend to the county council rules and regulations pertaining to any of the following:


    Operation of the animal control facilities.


    Standards and procedures for the control, collection, care, custody or disposal of animals not under restraint, and animals creating or causing a public nuisance.


    Standards for the maintenance of regulated facilities.


    Maintain a quorum of five members in attendance in order to conduct any meeting of the animal control board.

(Ord. No. 91-33, § IX, 10-10-91; Ord. No. 92-72, § IV, 8-6-92; Ord. No. 93-25, § IX, 11-4-93; Ord. No. 94-15, § V, 9-18-94; Ord. No. 00-12, § I, 4-13-00; Ord. No. 2007-11, § II, 10-18-07; Ord. No. 2009-15, § I, 4-16-09)

Charter reference

Authority to create board, § 701.

Cross reference

Boards, commissions, councils and authorities, § 2-421 et seq.