§ 14-31. Definitions.
§ 14-32. Penalty.
§ 14-33. Conflicting provisions.
§ 14-34. Jurisdiction; persons authorized to enforce article.
§ 14-35. Animal control officers.
§ 14-36. Animal control board.
§ 14-37. Interference with animal control officer or humane society personnel.
§ 14-38. Impoundment.
§ 14-39. Methods of enforcement; investigations.
§ 14-40. Classification of dogs as dangerous; destruction.
§ 14-41. Duty of animal owners to be responsible owners.
§ 14-42. Vaccination of ferrets, dogs and cats.
§ 14-43. Licensing of dogs and cats.
§ 14-44. Rabies control.
§ 14-45. Restraint of animals while on property of owner.
§ 14-46. Restraint of animals while off property of owner.
§ 14-47. Warning signs on premises where guard dogs or dangerous dogs are kept.
§ 14-48. Nuisance animals.
§ 14-49. Dogs and cats transported into county for sale or gift; sale of animals at outdoor markets.
§ 14-50. Female dogs and female cats in heat.
§ 14-51. Disposition of dead animals.
§ 14-52. Removal of animal waste.
§ 14-53. Duties of driver when vehicle strikes animal.
§ 14-54. Disposal of live animals to be used for experimentation or vivisection prohibited.
§ 14-55. Selling or obtaining dogs or cats for purpose of human or animal consumption.
§ 14-56. Hobby breeders.
§ 14-57. Hearing officer.
§ 14-58. Mandatory spay and neuter.
§ 14-59. Humane care.