§ 122-68. Payment of costs of off-site facilities by developers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The location, size or proposed density of the developer's property may make service to such property dependent upon the extension of off-site water distribution, reclaimed water distribution and/or sewage collection facilities, as defined in this article.


    It is the county's policy to apportion the cost of main transmission and collection lines and pumping stations pro rata against the properties receiving service from such main transmission lines located off-site as to the developer's property. Since each developer draws from the hydraulic capacity of such lines, the county will require that the developer pay his property's hydraulic share of the cost of the off-site main transmission and collection facilities through which service is rendered to the developer's property. The charge for the developer's share of off-site facilities will be applicable to the developer's property on a fair-share basis whether or not the main transmission lines and/or pumping stations have been previously constructed or may be constructed for future service.


    The contributions-in-aid-of-construction charge shall be assessed against property benefitted by improvements of water mains, reclaimed water mains and/or sanitary sewers in proportion to the benefits to be derived therefrom. The equitable and just method of determining and prorating the special benefits is hereby prescribed based on consideration of both the number of units served and the number of total acres of property thereby benefitted. Assessment so determined shall be computed for each benefitted property as to the total of the number of ERU's served in accordance with schedule B referred to in section 122-57. Charges shall be due and payable at time of execution of a state department of environmental protection construction permit or as stipulated in the developer agreement.

(Res. No. 86-116, § 38, 8-14-86; Ord. No. 01-10, § 30, 4-5-01)