§ 122-57. Rate schedules established; amendments to rate schedules.  

Latest version.
  • Rate schedules for each utility are identified as follows:


    Schedule A, Water and Sewer Rates and Charges.


    Schedule B, Contributions-in-Aid-of-Construction.


    Schedule C, Water and Sewer Connection Charges.


    Schedule D, Water and Sewer Inspection Fees.


    Schedule E, Reclaimed Water Rates

    These rate schedules and charges may be amended from time to time by resolution of the county council by reference to the affected exhibit and utility service, and it shall not be necessary to amend this article or any part thereof.

(Res. No. 86-116, § 26, 8-14-86; Ord. No. 96-15, § XXXIV, 6-20-96; Ord. No. 01-10, § 20, 4-5-01)