§ 122-44. Inspections of consumer's installation; unauthorized alterations.  

Latest version.
  • The county reserves the right to inspect and approve any customer installation prior to providing service and from time to time thereafter to ensure compliance with applicable laws, ordinances of the county, and rules and regulations affecting such installation. No changes or increases in any customer installation which will materially affect proper operation of the county utility system shall be made by a customer without express written consent of the utility engineer and approval of the utilities director. The customer shall be responsible for the cost of making changes or repairs resulting from any unauthorized alteration, and the county may require payment or reimbursement for unauthorized or un-metered service and for corrective repairs as a condition to restore or continue service.

(Res. No. 86-116, § 14, 8-14-86; Ord. No. 01-10, § 10, 4-5-01)