§ 122-38. Unauthorized connection or use.  

Latest version.
  • No person, without prior written consent of the utilities director, or authorized representative, shall tap any pipe or main belonging to a county water or sewer system for the purpose of taking or using water from the system or from such pipe or main for connecting to the sewer system, or for any other purpose. Connections to the county's utilities system for any purpose whatsoever are to be made only as authorized by the county. In case of any unauthorized interconnection, extension, remetering, meter tampering or disconnection, sale or disposition of utility service, the customer's utility service may be subject to a fine of $100.00 per violation, reimbursement charges for unauthorized use of services and/or discontinuance of service until such unauthorized use or disposition is corrected and full payment is made for such service. Payment will be calculated based on proper classification and rate schedules, and reimbursement in full made to the county for services used without proper authorization or metering, any extra expenses incurred by the county as the result of such unauthorized use, tampering or damage to county property, including administrative costs, testing, inspections and court costs. In addition, unauthorized use may result in appropriate criminal prosecution by the county.

(Res. No. 86-116, § 8, 8-14-86; Ord. No. 01-10, § 4, 4-5-01)